History Faculty
History Faculty
M.A., Ph.D. Princeton University (2006)
History of the Roman Republic and Empire; History of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages; Urban History in Ancient and Medieval Europe; Roman Social History; Historiography and Archaeology of Decline and Fall of Empires
Intersections of rhetorical representation and historical reality in Late Antiquity (4th-6th centuries); study of the end of the Roman Empire; cultural transformation from the Roman to the Carolingian empire; political and economic structures of the ancient world; Roman urban history and archaeology; institutional histories of the ancient and medieval military and bureaucracy; history of ancient education and the transmission of classicism; literary studies of historiography, ethnography and epistolography.
A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
British and European history, 1500-1945; History & Literature; Cultural History; Reproduction in the Atlantic World, 1500 to the present; Jane Austen's Britain; London and Paris the 19th Century; The Age of Elizabeth and Shakespeare; Adam Smith & the Enlightenment; Family, Neighborhood, & Law; History of English Legal Courts and Traditions; Culture, Arts & Politics; Gender, Sex, and the Family in Europe, 1500-1900; Art and Politics, Advertising and Propaganda in Europe, 1500-1960; Revolutions in London and Paris, 1640-1871.
Cultural history of Britain and Northern Europe. History of medicine, reproduction, gender, sexuality, abortion, and the human body; history of the family, the law, medicine, literary and visual representations, and social conflict.
I'm completing a book manuscript: Sex & Sensibility: The Taming of Husbands and Wives from the Stuarts to the Age of Jane Austen.
"'Marriage is No Protection for Crime': Coverture, Sex, and Marital Rape in Eighteenth-Century England" appeared in the October 2022 Journal of British Studies. It won the Clifford Prize from the American Society for 18th Century Studies and the Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies Article Prize.
Birthing the Nation: Sex, Science, and the Conception of Eighteenth-Century Britons examined the intersection of reproduction and politics and won three best book awards including the Berkshire Prize. My article on the English Poor Law's Treatment of Unwed Mothers in The Journal of Women's History won the Western Association of Women Historians Article Prize, and my article on Maternity Hospitals, Obstetrics, and Childbirth Fever won the WAWH Article Prize and the North American Conference on British Studies Walter D. Love Prize.
University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D.; University of Texas at Austin, Masters of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies
Islamic World, Urban and Architectural History, Middle East/Ottoman Empire, Comparative Early Modern Empires, Gender, Power, and Authority
Structures of Power and Discourses of Authority; Intersection of Ethics and Politics; Comparative Systems of Governmentality; Archival Histories; Mediterranean Identities; Theories of Empire; Greater Syria and Lebanon under Ottoman Rule.
Ph.D., University of Michigan; B.A., Brown University
United States history since 1945; politics; urban and suburban history; policy; race; capitalism; gender
Public policy and social movements; liberalism; suburban politics; Massachusetts
A.B., Stanford University, 1972; A.M., Stanford University, 1978; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1978. Study Abroad, St. Petersburg University and Moscow University.
Modern Russian History, 1700 to Present; Russian and European Intellectual History, 1700 to Present; Islam and Islamic Political Movements
Russian Intellectual History, 1700 to 1917; Russian Politics from Peter the Great to the Present; European Intellectual History since the Enlightenment; Modern Islam
PhD (History) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2010); BA, The University of Colorado, Boulder (2002)
Colonial and Early American History; History of Slavery; Atlantic World History; History of Racial Ideology; History of the Family; Caribbean History; Native American History
Slavery in the Colonial Americas; Free People of Color in the Atlantic World; Intersections Between Ideas of Race and Family in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Slavery and Aging in North America and the Caribbean
B.A. (1987) Hamilton College, Clinton NY Ph.D. (1999) American University, Washington DC
Holocaust History, Genocide Studies, Women's History, Eastern Europe-Ukraine, War Crimes Trials, Nazism and Stalinism
Holocaust History Human Rights History Genocide Studies
PhD in South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, 2019
BA and MA in English literature (with Film Studies and History), Jadavpur University, 2011.
B.A., Northwestern University; M.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Modern Korean History, 1875-Present; Colonialism and Korea: Power, Culture and Modernity; Japan in the World: Modern Japanese History; Japanese Empire; Civilizations of East Asia to 1800; Utopianism and Political Imagination in East Asia; Nature, Environment and the Human Imagination in Asia
Modern Korean and East Asian intellectual and social history; environmental history; relationship between economic structures and cultural and religious structures; questions and issues on modernity and globalization
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles (1983); A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University (1990)
German History, Art and politics, European social history, especially the history of the European aristocracy, The Holocaust
National Socialism, Art looting, European aristocracy, The Holocaust
Latin America, Brazil, Cold War, U.S.-Latin American relations, gender and sexuality, popular culture and film studies, race and ethnicity, cultural history, the Amazon, human rights
Modern Brazilian cultural and political history, popular culture and film, the Amazon, the Cold War, social movements, memory and oral history, regionalism and regional identities in Brazil related to poverty, religion, race and gender
B.A., Yale University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Modern America; Great Depression and World War II; women and politics; gender and society; reform movements; families; schooling
Modern United States; social science; ethnicity and race; gender; education; schools
B.A., Amherst College; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University
Nineteenth-Century United States History, American West, environment, health, race, ethnicity, and immigration
Social and political movements in California and the American West, with an emphasis on the intersection between race, health, and environment; Gilded Age and Progressive Era political economy and culture
B.A., University of British Columbia; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University
Chinese history, East Asian history, law and governance, comparative history, historiography
History of Ming China (1368-1644), bureaucracy, communication, archives, organizational theory
Visiting Faculty
University of California, Santa Bárbara, Ph.D. (History)
University of California, Santa Bárbara, M.A. (History)
University of San Diego, B.A. (History and Spanish)
MA and PhD, English, UCLA.
MA, Asian American Studies, UCLA.
AB, English and American Language and Literature, summa cum laude, Harvard
B.A. University of Botswana; M.A. University of Botswana; PhD University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Early and modern African history surveys
Medicine health and disease in African history
African environmental history
Medicine, health and disease, socio-environmental histories, gender and the construction of masculinities, race, ethnicity and national identity
Emeritus Faculty
B.A., University of Lucknow, India; M.A., University of Bridgeport; M.Phil., Jawaharial Nehru University, India; Ph.D., University of Chicago; Lecturer, University of Chicago; Mellon Fellow and Assistant Professor, Brown University; Associate Professor, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, India; Fulbright Fellow, Yale University; Professor, Brandeis University; Reed College; University of Michigan. (On leave, second semester.)
Modernity, urbanism, everyday life, historiography, caste, class, community, gender, women, children, education, literature and art.
Artisans, work and leisure; women & gender; methodology of History and Anthropology; activism and management; education, families, communities' the intellectual history of India; contemporary education in India.