Teaching and Technology at CMC

Claremont McKenna is committed to teaching excellence and is actively exploring technological innovations and using technology to enhance teaching at CMC. To help it achieve these goals, the College has surveyed students and faculty on their technology usage and preferences; formed a Strategic Educational Technology Committee; and held and planned conferences on the use of technology at CMC. CMC has also joined a group dedicated to exploring the use of technology for education: the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges (CLAC).
For more information:
2022 Excellence, Innovation, and Technology Summit
2019 Excellence, Innovation, and Technology Summit
2018 Excellence, Innovation, and Technology Summit
2017 Excellence, Innovation, and Technology Summit
2016 Excellence, Innocation, and Technology Summit
2015 Excellence, Innovation, and Technology Summit
2014 Strategic Educational Technology Summit
Strategic Educational Technology Committee
Results of Technology Survey
CMC Faculty Innovators
Liberal Arts Technology Associations