Student Engagement
At CMC's History Department, we believe that history goes beyond the classroom. Our history stewards, who are part of the Student Engagement team, put on amazing history events, liaise between the student body and the history faculty, and help build a community of historians at CMC. Here are our history stewards:

Vi Nguyen ’21
Major: History and Government Dual
Why History is an Important Major:
I believe history is an important major because of the interdisciplinary nature of it. History provides many skills that can help any major and/or profession. I also believe it's important as a member of our society to create good outcomes through the lessons learned from the bad mistakes made in the past. It has been a pleasure to learn from our great History faculty members!.
Favorite thing about CMC's History Department:
My favorite thing about CMC's history department is by far the professors. As a first-year, the professors were a big reason it was easy for me to make CMC my home and feel comfortable.

Hunter Kettering ’20
Major: History and Economics Dual
Why History is an Important Major:
History is an important major because it's the study of our collective human past, and more. Understanding this allows us to understand our current place in society and how we got there. Nothing is more akin to a true liberal arts major than studying history because it forces us to blend philosophy, literature, politics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and more. Figuring out the past requires every discipline essentially, so it develops your intellectual and interdisciplinary capabilities more-so than other majors. And from a professional standpoint, your ability to think broadly, adapt quickly, and write well.
Favorite thing about CMC history department:
The professors! They are all secret gems that are passionate, insightful, and helpful. Their enthusiasm and accessibility are unparalleled, so it is easy and fun to learn lots with them.

Nicholas Sage ’20
Major: History and Government Dual
Why History is an Important Major:
History is an important major because the more we understand the past, the better we can identify, avoid, and fix problems in the future.
Favorite thing about CMC's History Department:
We have the friendliest professors of any department!