Literature Faculty

Literature Faculty

Josephine Olp Weeks Professor of Literature

MFA, Columbia University, 1982; MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1980; BA, College of William and Mary, 1978



Phone: (909) 607-3820
Professor of Literature

B.A. Michigan State University, School of Arts and Sciences; M.A. Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences; Ph.D. Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences

Barton Evans and H. Andrea Neves Professor of Literature

A.B., Princeton University; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University


American Literature, Science and Literature, Polish Literature, Contemporary Irish Poetry, The Bible, Rhetoric and Oratory, Milton

Phone: (909) 607-3005
Waldo W. Neikirk Professor of Literature

A.B., Brown University; M.A., 1979

Ph.D., Harvard University, 1988


Modern Literature and Culture,Criticism and Critical Theory,Literature and Philosophy,Literature and Science,Psychoanalysis

Associate Dean of the Faculty for Curriculum; Associate Professor of Literature

BA, Washington University; MA, University of York, England; MA, PhD, Columbia University


Medieval literature and culture, Chaucer, Dante, gender studies, drama


Middle English literature and drama, medieval religious culture, travel narrative, urban studies, history of the book

Phone: (909) 621-8862
Assistant Professor of Literature

B.A. Literature, Yale University; M.S. Symbolic Systems and Ph.D. Comparative Literature, Stanford University.


Literature and Cognitive Science, Dramatic Theory, World Literature, Philosophy and Literature in Early Modern Europe, Global Anglophone Literature


Dramatic Theory and Poetics in Medieval Kashmir, Philosophy and Literature in Early Modern Europe, Literature and Neuroscience, Human-Centered AI

Associate Professor of Literature

B.A., Ph.D., Yale University


Shakespeare, Milton, Pastoral, Literature and Science, Literature and Politics


Milton, British Poetry and Prose 1500-1800, History of Science, History of Rhetoric, Comparative Epic, Literature and Philosophy, Literature and Linguistics

Phone: (909) 607-4221
Professor of Literature and Film

B.A., Wayne State University; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo; Assistant/Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, 1990-2001.


Film Studies/Media Studies, Modernism/Postmodernism.


Film, Modernism/Postmodernism, Creative Writing.

Phone: (909) 607-9678
Associate Professor of Literature

20th century and contemporary African American literature and culture

Phone: 909-607-1658
Professor of Literature
A.B., UC Berkeley (1968); M.A., UCLA (1970); Ph.D., Stanford (1975)
Teaching: Poetry, Film, Literary Criticism, Composition
Research: Film Noir, Spy Films; Popular Love Songs; Lyric Poetry; African American Poetry; Poet-Critics
Phone: (909) 607-4045
Professor of Literature

B.A., Stanford University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


18th & 19th-century British, American, and Russian Literature; Romanticism; Leadership in Literature and Film; Literary Theory


British and American Romanticism; 19th-Century Russian Literature; Leadership in Literature and Film

Phone: 909-607-3057

Visiting Faculty

Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature
Visiting Associate Professor of Literature

BA, Western Washington University; MA, Ph.D., University of Virginia


Writing, British Literature, Linguistics, Utopian/Dystopian Literature, Place Studies

Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature

BA, Brown University

MFA, Iowa Writers' Workshop

PhD, UC Berkeley 

Visiting Lecturer of Literature

B.A. Language Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

M.A. Applied Linguistics, California State University, Fullerton

Visiting Professor of Literature
Phone: (909) 607-7040