
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

Digital Signage

CMC has digital display signs in various campus locations (such as Collins Dining Hall and Heggblade) where College offices and officially recognized student organizations may register information for the community to see. Campus Digital Signs (CDS) can be used for advertising information about events and meetings, as well as to inform students about what resources are available on campus!

Please note that the guidelines that follow pertain to CDS at Claremont McKenna College only. These guidelines may be different from the guidelines for other forms of publicity on the CMC campus, and they may be different from guidelines for publicity at the other Claremont Colleges and the University Consortium. Publicity on CDS is facilitated by the CMC Dean of Students Office.

Specific guidelines include:

  1. Publicity must come from an official College office or department, the Claremont University Consortium, or an officially recognized club or organization.
  2. The name and contact information for the person, office, department, or other recognized organization who submits publicity shall be included on the slide, at a font size of 12 or larger.
  3. Publicity shall be information related to an official office, department, college, or officially recognized club or organization, not an individual.
  4. All publicity slides shall be in PowerPoint format.
  5. Advertisements for sales (i.e., for sale, room for rent, lost and found) are not permitted.
  6. Advertised events must be date specific (not “next Thursday”).
  7. Slides for an event must specify the location where the event will take place.
  8. Only one slide per event will be included. Multiple slides for the same event will be rejected. If you would like to remove an older slide and submit a new one, please specify that when submitting the new slide.
  9. Advertisements for events that occur on a regular basis (i.e., every Monday) may be removed after a period of time to make room for other slides and to keep the information fresh.
  10. Please submit event information at least 24 hours before the event.
  11. Any information regarding surveys, interviews, or other research must provide evidence that the instrument has been approved by the CMC Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  12. Slides which request donations and/or fundraiser events must be approved by the Development Office before they will be posted.
  13. Alcoholic beverages may not be advertised or implied.
  14. The length of time that each slide is displayed on the CCDS shall be decided by the Dean of Students Office.
  15. Slides which contain video or other non-stationary graphics may be refused if file size or software limitations make this difficult.
  16. The speakers on the CDS are not active, and accordingly audio files will not play.
  17. Any images or materials that are copyrighted and not in the free domain shall be removed.

Any messages with questionable content shall be reviewed by the Dean of students, the Dean of the Faculty, or the Office of Human Resources.

When submitting your slide for advertisement, please include:

  1. Powerpoint slide
  2. Date for advertisement to begin
  3. Date for advertisement to end

Template (must be saved to your computer before you can use it)

Email: Campus Digital Signs (cds@cmc.edu)

If you have any questions about this system, please contact someone in the Dean of Students Office at (909) 621-8114, or by visiting the Heggblade Center.