Psych Club

Psych Club

What is Psych Club?

The Psychology Club is the best place to learn about more psychology at CMC! Whether you are fully majoring in psychology, using psychology as part of your dual major, or just interested in psychological concepts, the Psych Club welcomes all who are interested in all things psychology.

The goal of the club is to create an open community of like-minded students all passionate about psychology. We aim to share resources, insights, and opportunities for being a CMC psychology major. Indeed, as the only club on campus backed entirely by an academic department, joining the Psych Club is the easiest way to get more involved with the Psychological Department and its facilities. 

The Psych Club offers:

  • Weekly meetings discussing both popular and scientific psychology articles
  • Monthly events ranging from study groups to faculty panels
  • Mentorship and networking with other students in a variety of psychology-adjacent fields
  • Funding for senior thesis, research method practicum replications, or personal ventures
  • Support and resources for attending academic conferences and talks 

If you have any questions or want to join the club’s mailing list, please feel free to email

Please also follow us on Instagram @cmcpsychclub for any upcoming events!

Psych Club & Psi Chi officers for the 2021-2022 school year are:

  • Psych Club President: Jason Bao ‘ 27
  • Psi Chi President: April Zhang ‘26
  • Primary Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Feitosa (
  • Induction date: Spring 2025 - Specific information will be emailed at a closer date

How can you join Psych Club?

  1. Email and join the mailing list
  2. Attend the weekly Friday 10:30 am meeting at the long table in front of Seaman Hall.
  3. You are now a member!