Recently Completed - North Mall West Phase

North Mall West Phase - Wide Ranging Renovations
Under the stewardship of the architectural firm of Moore Ruble Yudell, the scope of renovations made to the western portion of the North Mall area on campus was extensive, from the Kravis Living Room (aka “The Cube”) to the western edge of the North Quad residential precinct.
Improvements included an outdoor classroom and a Brazilian walnut conference table situated under Seaman Hall’s majestic oak tree and a new and wider pedestrian promenade for easier access along the North Mall. A new fountain was built between the Emett Student Center/McKenna Auditorium and the Athenaeum, featuring three ponding pools, two river rock crossing pools with fountains and fog spray, sun podiums, and LED lighting.
Other North Mall improvements include: ADA accessible paths at Heggblade, McKenna, Emett, Seaman, Adams, and the Athenaeum along with direct paths to/from our sister college, informal seat walls the length of the Mall, expanded patios at the Athenaeum, over 40 bike and skateboard racks, new building signage, bio-swales to clean run off water, renovation of the Wheeler Courtyard at Heggblade, and low irrigation landscaping appropriate for our climate. Finally, exterior lighting designed by KGM Architectural Lighting has been installed to highlight trees, pathways, and stairs.
Finally, the Hub Grill, Store, and Lounge were also completely redesigned by Gallagher Projects. Improvements in the Lounge include new booths with power outlets for lap tops and mobile devices, round table seating for group meetings and discussions, lounge chairs and couches on sled bases for easy rearrangement, and new flooring, wall treatments, and lighting.
The Hub’s patio overlooking the North Mall and shaded by its own large oak was also expanded and renovated with new tables, chairs, exterior power outlets, and umbrellas. The renovations to the Grill and Store include new grab’n’go coolers for quick meals, redesigned drink stations, improved store displays, and new flooring, wall treatments, digital menu boards and lighting.