Diversity at CMC

Students at Flamson Plaza

The value that we place on diversity at Claremont McKenna College - in our student body, in our faculty and staff, and in our curriculum - derives directly from our mission to educate our students for thoughtful and productive lives and responsible leadership in business, government, and the professions.

In helping students to acquire the vision, skills, and values they will need to lead society, we must ensure that they are able to succeed in the current social, political, and economic environments, which are increasingly diverse and globally-oriented. To execute our mission, then, it is crucial that we seek to enroll a diverse student body, to recruit a diverse faculty and staff, and to place great value on respect for differences.

Passed by the CMC faculty in April 2007 and by the CMC Board of Trustees in May 2007

A Strategic Approach

Claremont McKenna College’s unique and distinctive mission is to educate students for thoughtful and productive lives and roles of responsible leadership. In an increasingly integrated global market, transformative leaders will be called upon for solutions to complex problems. Our graduates should be perceptive, thoughtful strategists who are able to engage critical questions that transcend a narrow world view—graduates who are prepared to foster environments in which diversity of thought and perspective is valued. Indeed, CMC’s Statement on Diversity, approved by the Board of Trustees and the Faculty, affirms the community’s shared commitment to recruit and retain the most talented and exceptionally promising students, faculty, and staff. The community is to represent a broad spectrum of political and academic philosophies, as well as to reflect diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, geographic region, age, sexual orientation, and life experiences. All CMC students are expected to graduate with the capacity to live successful, meaningful lives.

In addition, the College is committed to ensure that every community member, especially each student, is fully engaged and valued at CMC, that each person thrives here, is a valued member of our community, is heard, and seen, and respected. The College supports inclusion as an open, community-wide process that reinforces respectful, civil, and deliberate discourse—particularly through constructive disagreements—on challenges of common concern.

CMC’s comprehensive, data-driven strategy reinforces the mission of the College, sharpens the vision for diversity and inclusion, and highlights core values through ongoing assessment and action.

Statement on Diversity
Foundational Beliefs and Principles
Assessment and Reflection
Community-Wide Engagement
CARE Center