Performance Management Program

The Office of Human Resources is pleased to share that the 2024 Annual Performance Review process for Staff begins on February 17, 2025.  The performance review process allows you and your manager time to connect, focus on your accomplishments over the last year, and collaborate to develop your goals for the upcoming year. 
The 2024 performance review period covers work performed between January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, and applies to all existing employees who have successfully completed an initial Introductory Review. All staff members hired in 2024 will receive an initial Introductory Review after completion of 180 days of employment and, thereafter, will participate in the annual review process.

The performance evaluation process consists of the following steps: 

  1. Employee completes self-evaluation section.
  2. Supervisor completes pertinent evaluation section.
  3. Human Resources reviews and approves the performance evaluation.
  4. Supervisor schedules a meeting with the employee for evaluation review. The purpose of this meeting is to celebrate accomplishments and establish specific, measurable objectives for the upcoming year.
  5. Employee and Supervisor electronically acknowledge the review in Workday.

As with last year, employees and supervisors will utilize an online performance review template in Workday. A Task will be initiated for employees to begin their self-assessment in Workday. To access the initial step to complete the employee self-evaluation step, please log into Workday and click on your Workday Tasks on the top right corner on your homepage. For your convenience, linked below are job aids with step-by-step instructions on how to complete this process.

Employees and Supervisors should plan to complete and submit the performance evaluations in Workday by March 17, 2025.
If you are a new supervisor and would like to meet with Human Resources about the performance review process, please feel free to contact

We thank you for your support and attention to this very important matter. 

Employee Resources

Workday Job Aids