News and Events



Faculty and students in London at the Globe theater
CMC students expand horizons overseas

Throughout the academic year, CMC provides student opportunities embodying a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to learning, cultivating connections with faculty, and resonating with students' interests.

Claire Vlases ’25 in court.
Claire Vlases ’25: Setting a landmark precedent

Claire Vlases ’25 made a powerful impact on her hometown of Bozeman, Montana when she was in high school, galvanizing her community to install solar panels on the roofs of local schools and helping to shape the city’s Climate Plan.

Her motivation: She loves her state.

Nature conservancy.
Cultivating environmental leadership at CMC

Conducting carbon offsets research, crafting investment pitches, and developing curricula for middle-schoolers, are just a few skills that Claremont McKenna College students learn as Roberts Environmental Center (REC) Fellows.