Prof. Manfred Keil, associate director of the Lowe Institute of Political Economy, and Muxi Li ’23, a Lowe Institute research analyst, published an op-ed in The San Bernardino Sun, “National recession vs. Inland Empire recession, where do we stand?” They wrote: “… whether the list of pundits declaring that the U.S. economy is in recession are right or wrong, the IE region is not.”
In a Los Angeles Times opinion piece, Prof. Minxin Pei measured the impact of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit. “Even if (Pelosi) had decided to skip Taipei on her tour of Asia, China’s bellicosity toward Taiwan would have continued to intensify, possibly triggering another Taiwan Strait crisis in the near future,” he wrote.
Prof. Pei also explored this topic in an op-ed for Bloomberg.
Prof. Frederick Lynch was interviewed by the Daily Bulletin about people who have avoided being infected by COVID-19 and are weighing the tradeoffs of easing their precautions. “The decision a lot of Americans are thinking about is, how long do you want to put your life on hold? It’s the third summer of COVID. … A lot of people are basically saying, ‘The hell with it,’” he said. Lynch, who teaches a course on health care policy, noted that the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths have been among people 65 and older.
Chelina Odbert ’99 helps underserved communities with her design and community development nonprofit