
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

2022 Literature Publications and Grants

* Indicates student co-author

Cole, Henri. “Célibataire.” Poem. Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry & Opinion, no. 15, 2022, pp. 46.

Abstract: This poem recounts my thoughts at a wedding reception with Mother.

Cole, Henri. “Figs.” Poem. The New Yorker, June 20, 2022.

Abstract: This poem contemplates our aggressive historical moment.

Cole, Henri. “It is Forbidden to Forbid.” Poem. Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry & Opinion, no. 15, 2022, pp. 45.

Abstract: This poem was occasioned by the death of a young friend.

Cole, Henri. “My Langston Hughes.” Michigan Quarterly Review. Fall 2022.

Abstract: This short essay is an homage to the poet Langston Hughes.

Cole, Henri. “Namiot Na Imprezy” [“The Party Tent”], “Haiku,” “Na Grobie Roberta Lowella” [“At the Grave of Robert Lowell”], and “Zamieć” [“Blizzard”], translated into Polish by Jacek Guturow. Poems. ODRA, 2022.

Cole, Henri. “Neil.” Poem. Times Literary Supplement, no. 6244, 2022.

Abstract: This poem is an elegy for my parents.

Cole, Henri. “The Other Love.” Poem. The Paris Review, no. 239, 2022.

Abstract: The 'other love' is same-sex love. As the poem states, 'The love-cancelling hours are gone.'

Cole, Henri, translator. “The Earth, stuffed to the gills with burning coals,” ‘Over our heads masses are moving, whitish,” “The Unjust Fate of Man,” “Before Nightfall,” “Mother death,” by Claire Malroux. Poems. Liberties Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, 2022.

Cole, Henri and Claire Malroux, translators. “The Deer Seeing Himself in the Water,” “Two Goats,” “The Animals Sick from the Plague,” “The Coach and the Fly,” and “The Rat and the Oyster,” by Jean de la Fontaine. Poems. Liberties Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, 2022.

Faggen, Robert. Review of Bright Star, Green Light, by Jonathan Bate. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, vol. 44, no. 1, 2022, pp. 117-119.

Lobis, Seth. "Digby, Thomas Browne, and Philosophical Theology." The Philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603-1665), edited by Laura Georgescu and Han Thomas Adriaenssen. Springer Cham, 2022, pp. 113-135.

Abstract: Kenelm Digby's Observations upon Religio Medici (1643) has often been dismissed as a hasty and self-serving response to the soon-to-be famous book by Thomas Browne. I argue that the two works represent diametrically opposed positions in one of the central debates of seventeenth-century European intellectual culture--that about the proper relationship between philosophy and theology. Digby counters Browne's fideism by defending philosophical approaches to theological questions and insisting that philosophy and theology are incompatible only for the philosophically unfit.

External Grant: Lobis, Seth. “Root Composition: Poetry and Etymology from Spenser to Milton.” The Huntington Library, 2022.

Abstract: 'Root Composition' overturns the longstanding critical assumption that poetic etymology was superficial and ornamental, a matter of individual jeux d’esprit. I argue that sixteenth- and seventeenth-century authors used etymology not merely as a means of adornment but also as a principle of composition. The first chapter of the book project examines etymological theory and practice in English and Continental writings on logic, grammar, rhetoric, and education between 1500 and 1700. Forming the core of the chapter, my research as a Mellon Fellow will center on three categories of materials in the Huntington’s collections: sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Continental works of logic, rhetoric, and educational theory, with a particular focus on works by Agricola, Erasmus, Ramus, and Talon; sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English works of logic, rhetoric, and educational theory, with a particular focus on works by Fenner, Fraunce, Milton, and Peacham; and sixteenth- and seventeenth-century works concerned with etymology and linguistic change—including etymological dictionaries—with a particular focus on works by Phillips, Skinner, Verstegan, and Vossius

Moffett, Kevin. “Bears Among the Living.” The Best American Short Stories, edited by Andrew Sean Greer and Heidi Pitlor. HarperCollins Publishers, 2022, pp. 140-152.

Moffett, Kevin. “Gainesville.” The Georgia Review, Fall 2022.

Morrison, James. “Like-Minded People.” SANTA MONICA REVIEW, vol. 34, no. 2, 2022, pp. 160-205.

Abstract: A satirical novella that traces the rise of the internet since the 90s and its influences on American culture.

Vallianatos, Corinna. “Dogwood.”LitMag, issue 4, 2021. [Published in 2021 but not previously celebrated]

Vallianatos, Corinna. “Origin Story.” McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, issue 66, 2022.

Vallianatos, Corinna. “Something in Common.” Story Magazine, issue 12, 2022.

Vallianatos, Corinna. “This Isn’t the Actual Sea.” The Idaho Review, no. 20, 2022.