
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

2020 Literature Publications and Grants

*Indicates student co-author

Cole, Henri. "At the Grave of Robert Lowell," "Black Mushrooms," "Departure," and "On Pride.” Four poems translated into Greek by Vaslis Papageorgiu. Hartis Magazine, January 2020.

Cole, Henri. Blizzard: Poems. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2020.

Roderick, David. "The Case Against Nostalgia: A Conversation with Henri Cole." Interviewed by David Roderick. Literary Hub, September 4, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Daffodils." Poem. The New Yorker. October 12, 2020.

Cole, Henri. “Goya,” “To a Root in Air.” Poems. American Poetry Review, vol. 49, no. 6, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Haiku.” Poem. Poetry Daily, May 23, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "The Horsemen." Poem. The New Criterion, vol. 39, no. 3, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Keep Me," "Epivir, D4T, Crixivan," "Ginger and Sorrow.” Poems. Literary Hub, September 8, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Lingonberry Jam." Poem. Poetry Daily, September 8, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Mouse in the Grocery." Poem. The New York Review of Books, vol. LXVII, December 17, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "On Peeling Potatoes,” “Dandelions (III),” “Gross National Unhappiness,” “Face of the Bee,” “Keep Me." Poems. The American Scholar, Summer 2020 issue.

Cole, Henri. “Paris is My Seroquel.” Paris Diary by Laure, March 26, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Re(creation)." Poem. Poetry Ireland Review, issue 130, 2020, pp. 25.

Cole, Henri. "Recycling." Poem. The Threepenny Review, issue 161, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "To a Snail." Poem. The New Criterion, vol. 39, no. 3, 2020.

Cole, Henri. "Vetiver." Poem. Radcliffe Magazine, Fall 2020 issue.

Smith, Derik. "'Horton! Thou Should Be Living in This Hour': On Matt Sandler's ‘The Black Romantic Revolution: Abolitionist Poets at the End of Slavery.’" Los Angeles Review of Books, Dec. 1, 2020.

Abstract: The essay reviews a recent volume in African American poetry studies.

Vallianatos, Corinna. The Beforeland. Acre Books, 2020.

Vallianatos, Corinna. “Sightings.” Cincinnati Review, issue 17.2, 2020.

Warner, Nicholas. "Civilians at War in Foreign Correspondent, Saboteur, and Lifeboat.” The Hitchcock Annual, vol. 23, 2020, pp. 67-106.