
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

2019 Religious Studies Publications and Grants

*Indicates student co-author

Chung-Kim, Esther. “Reception in the Renaissance and Reformation.” The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation, edited by Paul M. Blowers and Peter W. Martens. Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 686-703.

Abstract: While the extensive interplay between the Renaissance and Reformation thinkers is apparent, a comparison between the early Christian biblical interpretation among Renaissance humanists and Protestant reformers demonstrates that they had different goals from the outset. Occupational priorities as well as political and religious loyalties informed the points of conflict between humanists and Protestant or Catholic churchmen, especially in the area of biblical interpretation. Hence they differed on how to understand the contributions of the early Christian writers in their contemporary debates about religious meaning and practice.

Esther Chung-Kim. “Reforming Religion Includes Poor Relief.” LUMEN, October 23, 2019,


Abstract: What is wrong with giving only to the deserving poor? Any discomfort with the word - deserving - stems from the subjective nature of determining who are the deserving poor. The concern is that charity and generosity have become exclusive or exclusionary or it is simply not clear who is included. Yet, the sixteenth-century reformers, such as Johannes Bugenhagen, one of the three key Wittenberg reformers, had a clear sense of the deserving poor and it included more than it excluded.

Martinez, Chloe. “Arrangements.” Poem. Prairie Schooner, issue 93.3, 2019.

Martinez, Chloe. “Aubade.” Poem. Gold Wake Live, issue 5, March 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. “Educational.” Poem. MORIA, issue 4, December 2, 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. “The God Structure.” Poem. The Common, issue no. 18, 2019.

Martinez, Chloe. “Inequality Poem.” Poem. PANK Magazine, Latinx: Latinidad 1.0 Issue, 2019.

Martinez, Chloe. “Mandala of the Soapy Water.” Poem. Prairie Schooner, issue 93.3, 2019.

Martinez, Chloe. “Natural History.” Poem. Parentheses Journal, issue 5, January 21, 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. “The Newlyweds Feast in Winter.” Poem. Crab Orchard Review, issue 24.2, 2019, pp. 145-146.

Martinez, Chloe. “Palace Gate.” Poem. The Potomac Review, Issue 64, 2019.

Martinez, Chloe. Review of Cape Verdean Blues, by Shauna Barbosa. RHINO Reviews, issue 1.12, May 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. Review of Invocation to Daughters, by Barbara Jane Reyes. RHINO Reviews, issue 1.9, February 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. Review of The Many Names for Mother, by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach. RHINO Reviews, issue 2.6, December 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. Review of Virgin, by Analicia Sotelo. RHINO Reviews, issue 2.2, August 2019,


Martinez, Chloe. “When After Morning Drop-Off I Change the Station from KISS-FM to the Kavanaugh Hearings.” Poem. Barzakh, issue 11, spring 2019,


Whelan, Sarah, Susan R. Troccolo, Chloe Martinez, et al. “Friday Reads: October 2019.” The Common, October 18, 2019,
