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2020 Religious Studies Publications and Grants

*Indicates student co-author


Chung-Kim, Esther, "Calvin and his Lutheran Critics.” John Calvin in Context, edited by R. Ward Holder. Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 345-354.

Abstract: In the sixteenth century, the organizing effort of many Reformation movements moved toward a newly-imagined pan-Protestant community. While differences emerged from early on in the Reformation, the consistent effort to resolve disagreement attested to the desire to establish the Reformation throughout Europe. In 1540, John Calvin asserted that religious reforms for Germany could be applied to France, Spain, Italy and elsewhere in the world. But as the vision of a pan-Protestant church faded in the 1550s, a growing criticism of Calvin's views emerged among later Lutherans. In the aftermath of the Augsburg Interim in 1548, which resulted in a series of intra-Lutheran debates, and the widely publicized 1549 Zurich Consensus, the organizing efforts shifted toward preserving the genuine Lutheran legacy of the Reformation. Such confession-building had real consequences for shaping the various forms of reformation and the aspiration to come up with a unifying vision. Hence, the disagreement over the management of the Wittenberg legacy led to the formation of multiple legacies within Protestantism.

Chung-Kim, Esther, "Virtual Connection: Teaching Religion and Politics in East Asia Online in the Era of COVID-19.” The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 51, issue 1, 2020.

Abstract: Depending on modem speed, quality of the router, and the number of simultaneous users in a household, virtual conversations could lag and skip words, while video images could freeze, sometimes capturing warped facial expressions. For those who used Zoom meetings, the unsolicited attacks of zoom bombers meant adding a password, enabling waiting rooms, and continuing to mute participants upon entry. Once all the participants drowned out their background noises and figured out how to use their unmute button and microphones, we entered the possibility of having a thoughtful discussion. Ensuring that all students could hear and talk via online platforms was an important first step toward equity, but I soon realized that more changes were necessary to encourage students to continue engaging with the material and not give up on learning.

Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, Brandon Bayne, Valerie Cooper, and Gastón Espinosa. “How the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Change Our Future Teaching.” Religion and American Culture, vol. 30, issue 2, 2020, pp. 147-186.

Martinez, Chloe. "At Red Bucket Equine Rescue," "Mandala of the Burn Victims." Poems. Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith, Spring 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “Bloom.” Poem. EcoTheo Review, vol. 3, no. 3, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. Corner Shrine. Backbone Press, 2020.

Abstract: Chapbook of poems.

Martinez, Chloe. “Display.” Poem. The Night Heron Barks, Summer 2020 issue.

Martinez, Chloe. “The Fall River Line.” Poem. West Trestle Review, July 2020 issue.

Martinez, Chloe. “The Flower Vendors.” Poem. Exposition Review, vol. 5, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “The Getaway: Palm Springs.” Poem. The Penn Review, no. 70, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “The God Structure.” Poem and Writing Prompt. Mass Poetry, May 20, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. "In Delhi," "The Emperor Jahangir at Wah Garden," "Manuscript of a Long-Forgotten Poet.” Poems. Negative Capability Press, July 21, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “Mandala of the Mountain Path.” Poem. The Penn Review, no. 71, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “Microscopic Jazz.” Poem. Construction Literary Magazine, Fall 2020 issue.

Martinez, Chloe. “The Moon.” Poem. Poetry Northwest, November 1, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. “The Movement.” Poem. RHINO 2020, 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. Review of All Its Charms, by Keetje Kuipers. RHINO Reviews, issue 3.2, August 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. Review of Atomizer, by Elizabeth A.I. Powell. RHINO Reviews, issue 3.6, December 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. Review of Inland Empire, by Leah Huizar. RHINO Reviews, issue 2.12, June 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. Review of The Music of Her Rivers, by Renny Golden. RHINO Reviews, issue 2.8, February 2020.

Martinez, Chloe. "Villanelle," "The Woman in Degas' 'Women Ironing' Leans In." Poems. Faultline, vol. 29, 2020, pp. 74-75.


Michon, Daniel and D.A Smith. To Serve God in Holy Freedom: The Brief Rebellion of the Nuns of the Royal Convent of Santa Mónica, Goa, India 1731-1734. Routledge, 2020.

Abstract: This book presents one of the first accounts of Christianity in colonial India by a nun. Set in Goa in the early 18th century, this translation of Soror Magdalena's account from Portuguese brings to life a watershed moment in the politics of Christian faith in early colonial India. The volume recounts the nuns' rebellion against the then the Archbishop of Goa, Dom Frei Ignaçio de Santa Teresa. In their account they accused him of mistreating the nuns, and implored the Superior General and the King of Portugal to replace him. It sketches the intricate relationships between the nuns themselves, the clerical and secular authorities, the fidalgos and the lower classes, Hindus and Catholics, and nuns and priests. It goes on to discuss the Convent's finances and the controversies surrounding them, the politics of the Church, as well as contemporary preoccupations with miracles and demons. Expertly annotated and introduced by Daniel Michon and David Addison Smith, this book is key to understanding the Portuguese colonial rule in India. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of South Asian Studies, Portuguese Studies, Religion, especially Christianity, and colonialism.

Micho, Daniel. Review of Religious Pluralism in Punjab, by Joginder Singh. Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, 2020, pp. 186-188.