By Manfred Keil, Johannes Moenius, and Ivan Kolesnikov
Abstract: The Logistics industry, consisting of the sectors Transportation and Warehousing, and Wholesale Trade, plays an increasingly large role in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino County, Riverside County). According to The Economist magazine, the region has become the Warehouse capital of the world. Using seasonally unadjusted data from the California Employment Development Department (EDD), the industry has added almost 160,000 jobs since 2010, 110,000 alone in Warehousing and Storage. The industry has experienced employment losses of over 20,000 jobs (7.1%) since December 2021. This significant decline is both worrisome and puzzling as it is unique to the Inland Empire: our adjacent coastal counties (Los Angeles County, Orange County) and the U.S. overall saw growth in this industry during that time.
Keywords: San Bernardino County economy, Riverside County economy, Inland Empire economy, California economy, warehousing, logistics, transportation, wholesale trade,
10-8 -23 | San Bernardino Sun - What Explains Losses in Warehousing in the Inland Empire