Making Appointments + Shift Schedule

All writing appointments will be held online on WCOnline and all appointment times reflect Pacific Time (Claremont time).

CWPD consultants will be available – online – to offer you synchronous feedback and guidance with writing assignments using video chat and document share on our scheduling system, WCOnline. Our tutoring hours will accommodate the wide range of time zones within which you all are residing.

Making an appointment Using WCOnline

Setting up a Free Account: Click on the “First visit? Register for an account” link. The system will ask you for some basic information. Please be sure to fill this information out accurately and thoroughly. Your information will not be shared.

Viewing the Schedule: The schedule is organized by day and time slots available for each tutor. The schedule always has the current day at the top of the list. White blocks indicate an available appointment; blue and maroon blocks indicate an unavailable time slot; gray blocks indicate a time that has already passed. Appointments are 45 minutes, which includes debriefing and agenda setting.

Scheduling an Appointment: Click on a white block for the time and tutor you would like to reserve. You will be asked to fill in the course, the instructor's name, and a brief explanation for what you would like to work on.  Once you have done this click "Save Appointment.” Once your appointment has been entered the corresponding white block will turn gold.

Multilingual Appointments:
Multilingual students wanting to make an appointment with Professors Mellissa Martinez, Megan Gallagher, or Chloe Martinez should use the drop-down menu to select the current semester’s multilingual appointment schedule.

Meeting with your Consultant

When it is time for your appointment, log back into our scheduling system (WCOnline) and click on your appointment (highlighted in yellow on your schedule page).

Click “start or join online session” to join your consultant (please wait a few minutes if your consultant has not yet entered your tutoring session).

When applicable, you will need to adjust for any time change between your anticipated location and Claremont (Pacific Time). All tutoring sessions currently reflect Pacific Time. For a list of global time zones click here.

As with your virtual class sessions, please ensure that your camera, microphone, and speaker are active if you plan to use the video conferencing tool. 

Your session

During your session, the consultant will speak with you via video chat and can comment on your paper using document share. The consultants will use ALL CAPS to comment on your paper to distinguish their questions and suggestions from your own ideas.

Your consultant will speak with you via the video chat function and will run your session as they would an in-person session.

  • A note: if the video chat or document sharing platforms malfunction, your consultant will email you with instructions to email them your paper. They will then comment, asynchronously, on your paper and return it back to you by the end of your allotted appointment time. As with any tutoring session, your consultant will not correct your paper for you; instead, they will point out repeated errors – offering you tips and strategies for addressing those errors as needed - and identify areas where further attention may be required.

At the end of your session, please save your document and any notes from the chat room that your consultant may have shared with you.  

Your consultant will send you a link to our exit survey at the end of your session. Please fill that out so that we might continue to hear from you.

Before submitting your paper to your professor, review it carefully and remove the consultant’s comments.