Jan. 26, 2022


Prof. Jack Pitney was quoted in a Daily Beast piece recognizing the Jan. 6 Committee as “a model of congressional congeniality among members with differing ideologies.” Pitney said, “This is what grown-ups look like. You have Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who have very conservative voting records, but they understand this is different, that it’s separate from their policy differences with the Democrats. And their loyalty to country and the institution trumps loyalty to party.”

Jan. 21, 2022


As members of the NCAA voted to ratify a new constitution, Inside Higher Education interviewed President Hiram Chodosh, who said the NCAA faces “a major question: How can we restore amateur athletics through effective measures?” He added that the changes in the constitution amounted to window dressing. “There’s no real transformative change in this document,” Chodosh said.

Jan. 20, 2022


The New York Times interviewed Hiram Chodosh about the National Collegiate Athletic Association schools and conferences vote to adopt a new constitution, and take the first step in decentralizing.

Jan. 20, 2022


As the National Collegiate Athletic Association schools and conferences voted to adopt a new constitution, Hiram Chodosh was interviewed by Law360. Chodosh—representing the joint Division III athletics teams from Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd and Scripps Colleges—voiced opposition to the new constitution.

Jan. 11, 2022


Prof. Jack Pitney was quoted in a CBS Los Angeles story about Gov. Newsom’s plan for universal healthcare, which he said would be paid for through the state’s general fund, and the Democrats’ proposal in the state legislature that would require a major tax increase. “This proposal could allow for a very large tax increase, and in recent elections, California voters have not been entirely positive about tax increases,” he said. “Even though they are overwhelmingly Democratic, that doesn't mean they are going to be progressive up and down the line.”

Jan. 6, 2022


The Claremont Colleges were included in a Los Angeles Times story about California colleges extending remote instruction amid the Omicron surge. President Hiram E. Chodosh’s message to the community announcing online instruction for the first two weeks of the spring semester was quoted.

Jan. 6, 2022


Prof. Minxin Pei published an editorial in the Taipei Times about U.S.-China relations. “In the unfolding new ‘cold war’ between the U.S. and China, the U.S.’s strategic priorities have flipped,” he wrote. “Today, U.S. security strategy is dominated by the China threat, and East Asia has replaced Europe as the principal theater of the world’s defining geopolitical contest.” Pei’s editorial explored the security consequences of this shift.