March 4, 2022

The Los Angeles Times interviewed Prof. Gaston Espinosa about the Latino evangelical community and their growing shift towards conservative politics.

March 1, 2022

In an AARP article examining the factors impacting the 2022 midterm election season, Prof. Jack Pitney was quoted on the effect of the pandemic: “If COVID is still lingering throughout 2022, there’s going to be more of a demand for mail ballots and early voting. But in a lot of states that’s going to be more difficult so it could have a negative impact on turnout.”

Feb. 28, 2022

In an opinion essay for the New York Times, Prof. Michael Fortner analyzes how Democrats can achieve sustainable police reform. “Palpable fear in the streets must be met with seriousness, compassion and nuance: People want more than just punishment,” he writes.

Feb. 28, 2022

In a Standard-Speaker piece about gerrymandering, New York Times columnist Gail Collins quoted Prof. Ken Miller: “There was a lot of expectation the Republicans were going to exploit the process and that would give them control of the House. But it looks like the Democrats will come out at least equal and maybe advantaged.”

Feb. 27, 2022

In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Prof. Minxin Pei said that whether or not China—the world’s second-largest economy—sides with Russia in its war on Ukraine, it will pay a hefty price. “Short-term inconveniences pale in comparison with potential long-term risks and costs if China fails to strike a delicate balance between supporting Russia, its strategic partner of convenience, and preventing ties with the West from collapsing completely.”

Feb. 25, 2022

The Los Angeles Times cited Prof. Wendy Lower, director of CMC’s Mgrublian Center for Human Rights, in an article about how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has affected the Ukrainian Jewish community.

Feb. 24, 2022

An ABC7 Los Angeles story about how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could impact the Southern California economy quoted Prof. Manfred Keil, director of CMC’s Lowe Institute of Political Economy, on agriculture. Keil did not expect a big impact to wheat, one of Russia’s key exports, in the United States. While European markets are more closely impacted by Russian exports, Keil said, “American farmers will benefit from this.”

Feb. 23, 2022

A CBS Los Angeles news story quoted Prof. Jack Pitney about how Putin’s invasion of Ukraine had been predicted: "He's been indicating for quite some time this is the way he wanted to go.”

Feb. 23, 2022

In part one of a two-part series on growth prospects of the Inland Empire, Prof. Manfred Keil and Robert Kleinhenz of the Inland Empire Economic Partnership wrote: “The Inland Empire is among the nation’s largest based on absolute measures such as population and GDP, but it ranks in the bottom third in terms of the economic well-being of its residents as measured by income per capita. … Now is the time to develop long run goals and associated strategies for the region to move up the economic ladder and improve the well-being of its residents.”