CMC In The News

Prof. Jonathan Petropoulos, a prominent expert in Nazi-looted art is featured in the LA Times article: A Jewish family, a famous European museum and the battle for a Nazi-looted masterpiece.  He’s been working on this specific case for over two decades.

Professor Jack Pitney weighs in on Super Tuesday in California in the Examiner’s story: Super Tuesday: Five California House races that could flip control of congress.

Claremont McKenna College political scientist Jack Pitney weighs in on Super Tuesday and the battle for California’s 47th District. "A nasty primary campaign can be dangerous, especially when the other party has a strong candidate in the general election, It would take only a few percentage points to flip this seat from blue to red."

Claremont McKenna College political scientist Jack Pitney weighs in on Super Tuesday and the battle for California’s 47th District. "A nasty primary campaign can be dangerous, especially when the other party has a strong candidate in the general election, It would take only a few percentage points to flip this seat from blue to red."

When writer Michael Chabon spoke last week at Claremont McKenna College, the audience was at least as curious about his work in the “Star Trek” universe as they were about his more serious literary pursuits, including his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.”

Book review: In China, as Minxin Pei explains in “The Sentinel State,” a centralized Communist government uses new tech to extend a centuries-old system of bureaucracy that rewards intelligence gleaned from informants and spies.

The Women in Leadership Development (WLD) Initiative is a year-long, multifaceted co-curricular leadership development opportunity for emerging women leaders at Claremont McKenna College in southern California. It was launched in 2021 with financial support from a private donor and is now in its third year. WLD was developed in response to student feedback and an interest in more robust leadership development for women students on campus.

CMC’s Ambassador at Large John Faranda helping create fundraiser to keep Claremont Meals on Wheels afloat while supplementing inflation and other factors. Claremont Meals on Wheels has served untold thousands of clients, mostly seniors and people with disabilities, since 1972. It is not affiliated with Meals on Wheels America, but both entities share a goal of delivering low-cost food to those who need it.

Claremont McKenna ranked as a top-tier institution among colleges and universities nationwide, with 106 of the College's students achieving the distinction as Fulbright Students throughout the school's history.

Prof. Jack Pitney provides expert opinion on the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and his handling of the Southern U.S. border.

New York lost more residents from July 2022 to July 2023 than California, almost 102,000 compared to 75,423, according to the Census Bureau. But it's the Golden State that has written the how-not-to guide. It's the trend setter of blue state public policy. When a little more than a year ago the Rose Institute of State and Local Government at Claremont McKenna College surveyed Californians who had expressed an interest in moving, "many respondents from across the political spectrum described concerns about the cost of living and other aspects of the economy."

CMC Professor Minxin Pei provides insight into the surveillance state in China and how it began under the direction of Mao Zedong. “I think a powerful surveillance apparatus will continue to be a major obstacle to the development of democratic forces, but it will not be the decisive factor,” says Pei.

Prof. Jack Pitney was quoted in an article that highlighted how former President Trump and Nikki Haley do not differ much on political issues. He said, “The low bar for being called a moderate is not calling people names, and not inciting an insurrection. She’s a moderate by the standards of the South Carolina legislature, but in a general election, her positions might generate a lot of ammunition for Biden.”

Prof. Jack Pitney provided insight into Republican Steve Garvey’s chances of winning the California Senate election, stating that his troubled relationship with his children may hurt him if he continues to rise in the polls. He said Garvey has a serious chance to advance to November, but doubted whether he had a real shot to win unless a major scandal hit the Democratic candidate.

Prof. Amy Kind was interviewed about asking thought-provoking questions to help give you clarity on bigger questions in your life.