CMC In The News

Research conducted by the Rose Institute for State and Local Government, in collaboration with Kosmont Companies, was featured in the Los Angeles Times. The Rose Institute’s “cost of doing business” study analyzes business migration in and out of California.

In an opinion piece published by Bloomberg, Prof. Minxin Pei wrote that China caused a diplomatic crisis with its burst balloon over the U.S. “Now it’s up to Chinese leaders to take the first step to salvage ties,” he argued.

In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, Prof. Minxin Pei wrote that, “after two years in office, President Joe Biden is in a stronger position to deal with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping… Biden should be able to lower the temperature with China without sacrificing any principles or vital U.S. interests.”

CMC government professor Hilary Appel was interviewed by Newsweek in response to German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s keynote address on the war in Ukraine and Russia’s role.

"Russia prefers to characterize this as a proxy war to justify its actions and to account for its poor performance on the battlefield," Appel said.

The New York Times interviewed Prof. Minxin Pei, an expert in Chinese politics, about how the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to limit discord over its sudden “zero Covid” pivot are being challenged. “The sudden 180-degree turn from ‘zero Covid’ has precipitated a new crisis for which the government needs to explain to the people,” Pei said.

In an opinion piece published by Bloomberg, Prof. Minxin Pei detailed how Chinese President Xi Jinping has been wounded by China’s Covid surge.

“The Chinese leader is already paying a price. For now at least, the chaotic reopening has derailed his agenda for his third term,” Pei wrote.

The Economist featured a research paper co-authored by Prof. Jessamyn Schaller showing that the shift to remote schooling during the pandemic led to a decrease in teen suicides. Forbes also featured the study.

In an op-ed for Nikkei Asia, Prof. Minxin Pei wrote that while the Chinese “government has strong incentives to hide the catastrophe” of Covid, it won’t be able to hide the death toll. Due to the widespread availability of digital technology, “Chinese people now can easily document and disseminate the true extent of the devastation caused by the Covid surge,” Pei wrote. “Despite censorship, savvy social media users are able to post pictures and video clips that put the lie to the official propaganda that only a tiny number of people have died of Covid.”

NBC4 shared the news that Claremont McKenna College’s Rose Parade® float won the Golden State Award for most outstanding depiction of life in California. KFI-AM and Yahoo! Finance also featured the honor.

The Claremont Courier featured Claremont McKenna College’s Rose Parade® entry. “The float—a first for CMC—honored the school’s 75th anniversary and featured Mt. Baldy. The theme focuses on the college’s mission to graduate students who will live thoughtful, productive lives and develop responsible leadership.”

Newsweek interviewed Prof. Hilary Appel about Russia’s war in Ukraine. "The first few days in February 2022 failed to achieve the downfall of the Zelensky regime, as hoped for by the Russian government," Appel said. "Yet it is important to recall that the most important advances leading to the control of nearly 20 percent of Ukraine's territory occurred early in the war.”

KTLA featured the decorating of CMC’s Rose Parade® float and highlighted the float’s design, including the College’s iconic buildings and public art. KCAL also featured CMC’s float as it was being decorated.

CBS8 in San Diego featured the Kosmont-Rose Institute 2022 Cost of Doing Business Survey, which found that California is one of the costliest states. “California continues to be an expensive place to do business,” said Prof. Ken Miller, who is the director of the Rose Institute for State and Local Government. “Taxes are higher in California, regulations and utility costs, and license fees, all those kinds of things tend to be high in California.”

The High Desert News also featured the survey.

KABC in Los Angeles interviewed Prof. Ken Miller about the impact of California’s minimum wage increase. "Employers are facing higher rents, higher wage costs, high regulatory costs, so it's very difficult for businesses to do business in this state," said Miller, who is the director of the Rose Institute for State and Local Government.

Newsweek interviewed Prof. Jack Pitney about the feuds within the GOP. “Republicans have always faced factional infighting at all levels of politics," Pitney told Newsweek. "At various times, it has been House versus Senate, purists versus pragmatists, or simply one ambitious leader versus another."