CARE Center Fellows

Meet The CARE Center Fellows
The CARE Center challenges students to find a balance in exploring, challenging ideologies, and encouraging a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives no matter how unpopular some may be. The CARE Center Fellow program models the types of interactions we aspire for all students at CMC to adopt in their day-to-day peer interactions. The program is designed to foster intercultural communication, leadership, identity development through skills based training, programming and daily discourse, and engagement with visitors of the space. Students interested in becoming a CARE Center Fellow can apply online.

Jordan Baffour
Hi! My name is Jordan Baffour and I’m a junior majoring in Biology w/ a Pre-Dental track. I was raised in Arlington, VA/ the DMV and I'm a proud Ghanaian woman. For fun, I love to bake/cook, dance, play tennis, and watch movies (I’m also a MAJOR Stranger Things fan).

Isabela Cabrera
Hello! My name is Isabela Cabrera (She/Her), and I'm a sophomore studying Economics and Public Policy. Growing up in predominantly white institutions and neighborhoods, I was often scared to embrace my Mexican culture. It was hard to relate to people other than my family, and I wanted to change my style and persona to fit into the dominant culture. This experience made me realize how important it is to have spaces like CARE. On campus, you can find me at Heggblade, working outside, at the gym, or just walking around! I love to cook, go for runs, listen to Reggaeton, R&B, and House, and laugh with friends and family. I'm always down to have a conversation about anything, so feel free to come and yap with me!

Sophia Castellanos
Hi, I'm Sophia Castellanos and am a junior at CMC. I am an international relations and public policy dual major! I am a member of the ROTC program, Peer Health Ambassador for DOS, and now very excitedly a CARE fellow! I joined CARE to have more outreach to CMCers who seek to have cultural appreciation and a safe space for discourse. Outside of my amazing programs, I love being out doors and learning new crafts - I am currently taking up crocheting! But, if you are ever in the mood for fresh baked goods I'm your girl! Chocolate chip or Texas chocolate sheet cake??

Julie Chung
Hello! My name is Julie, and I'm currently a freshman majoring in psychology and literature at CMC. I am deeply passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and ensuring that marginalized communities have sufficient access to healthcare resources. Through the CARE Center, I hope to help cultivate a safe space where students can embrace their identities and escape from both external and internal pressures. Outside of CARE, some things I love include baking, origami, and true crime documentaries!

Gabe Corleto
Hello! My name is Gabe, I’m a freshman interested in Public Policy and PPE. I’m a first-generation, Mexican/Salvadoran-American student, passionate about educational equity. My hobbies/interests include film, music, philosophy, and creative writing! Growing up in San Francisco I’ve been exposed to various cultures, ideas, and beliefs different from those I grew up with. Because of this I’ve grown to become more well-rounded and open-minded; all it took was the willingness to listen! Therefore, I’m excited to be a part of CARE and be able to help foster an inclusive and diverse environment across all backgrounds and perspectives!

Imani Ferris
Hey! My name is Imani Ferris and I’m from South Los Angeles, California. I’m studying Integrated Sciences on the pre-health track and am also on the CMS Softball team! I proudly identify as a Black and Latina young woman and grew up in a low-income Black and brown community. I ventured out of my neighborhood to a high school with different socioeconomic backgrounds and demographics. I struggled not only getting used to a new environment, but also being around new people that didn't look much like me. It was also in high school where I realized the educational disparities and lack of resources and opportunities low income communities experience. I’m glad I will be able to support and encourage the CARE Center’s mission of identifying social barriers and engaging in constructive dialogue. I hope other students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are able to feel at home here at CMC and recognize that they are not alone and belong here. I have found support in both friends and family and people that don’t necessarily know me. I hope to bring this same sense of community and even deepen it as a CARE Fellow. I will use my voice to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at CMC and I am excited to help create a space of recognition, understanding, and appreciation.

Jenni Florencio
Jennifer Florencio is a Media Studies and a Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Double Major currently enrolled at Claremont Mckenna College. On campus, Jennifer is a CARE Fellow, the President of ¡Mi Gente! and a CLSA Sponsor. Her hobbies of interest include journaling, creating digital content and reading. As a proud first-generation Chicana from Queens, NYC, Jennifer’s goal in life is to ensure that her community is being well represented in the media. Being a Queens Native and daughter of Mexican Immigrant Parents, Jennifer was introduced to Ethnic Studies through an Artistic and Liberal lens. Jennifer plans to take her knowledge of ethnic studies, her love for BIPOC Creatives, and her passion for media to make a difference within mainstream media and her community.

Joseline Gonzalez Aguilera
Hi! My name is Joseline Gonzalez Aguilera. I am part of the class of 2027, double majoring in Chicanx-Latinx Studies and Psychology. I'm from Michoacán, Mexico, but I was raised in Santa Barbara, CA, the beautiful city by the sea. On campus, you can find me at the Hub ordering coffee before class, at CARE @carecentercmc chatting it up with friends, or at CLSA doing a late-night study session. I'm involved in PEP (Prison Education Project), where we teach classes at different Juvenile Detention Centers around California. I'm the Questbridge social media chair for our chapter on campus. You can also find me attending all kinds of awesome events for MiGente, 1Gen, CARE, and CLSA. As a first-generation low-income immigrant, comunidad is very important to me, and I have been able to find that here at CMC. Regarding career goals, I'm very passionate about helping the community, especially those who have been through or are impacted by the Justice system. Outside of academics, I love going to the beach, taking pictures, and creating content for social media.” I'm very excited to be a CARE fellow and contribute to this awesome team. CARE is my safe space on campus, and it has provided me with many resources and so much support. I am excited to contribute back to CARE for all that it has given me.

Naima Joseph
Hi, my name is Naima Joseph, I'm from Seattle, Washington, and I play basketball for the Athenas. Growing up in a multigenerationally multi-racial household, my home was one that held many discussions about all things race-related, and I was raised to know who I was. However, the classrooms I spent time in lacked diversity, and I had to look in different places for community that reflected my identity. Realizing that I was queer introduced a new level of difference into my identity, and I've worked hard to find community that supports me. With this position as a CARE Center Fellow I can't wait to help students find community and people they feel comfortable being themselves with.

Felix Kuang
Hi everyone! My name is Felix Kuang and I am a sophomore dual-majoring in Philosophy & Economics. I love food, music (all sorts from rock/jazz/indie to J-pop!!), film, street photography, and traveling. CARE has a very special place in my heart as the community center for people to relax and get whatever they need. Beyond CARE, some of my campus involvements include Gould, APASA, and I-Connect. I look forward to all the awesome things we are gonna have at CARE this year!

Molinaka Lim
Hi! My name is Naka, and I am an international student from Cambodia. I’m currently majoring in Economics, and my passions also extend to entrepreneurship and marketing. Having experienced living in a diverse environment at a boarding high school, I understand the value of diversity and have come to fully embrace it. I hope to contribute to the CARE community by fostering a safe space for everyone to express their thoughts freely and to celebrate and bring their unique perspectives and cultures to this incredible community! I love learning about the journeys and experiences of inspiring individuals, and I’m so excited to be part of the CARE community and work with other CARE fellows to create a supportive environment for everyone. I also really enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, so feel free to reach out if you ever want someone to throw with!

Guadalupe Loza-Mendez
Hi everyone! :D My name is Guadalupe, or Lupe, and I'm from Pomona, California. I'm dual majoring in Economics and International Relations. As a first-generation student who grew up in a predominantly Latine space, navigating higher education was a significant hurdle. I grew up with people who shared a similar lived experience, and that completely changed when I entered CMC. This disconnect I felt with campus lit a passion for diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a safe and inclusive space for all backgrounds, because representation matters! My role at CARE allows me to put my passion for diversity and inclusion into practice, helping to bridge the gaps I noticed when I first arrived on campus and ensuring that other students, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, feel seen, heard, and valued at CMC.

Luis Mendoza
Hi everyone! My name is Luis Angel and I am senior in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) program and studying Chicano-Latino studies. Few things about me: I am a sucker for Trader Joe’s and Thrifting; if you see me happy, then I’m most likely wearing my thrifted jorts and had a frozen chocolate covered banana from TJ. I love playing volleyball and poetry so basically a scholar and athlete. My biggest aspiration and reason for joining CARE, which I’m manifesting, is to become an immigration attorney and policy maker, which is rooted in coming from a rural and undocumented community. I am always here to help you with public speaking, pre-law resources, finding a Latino community, and any other resources you may need to succeed at CMC!

Natalia Moreno
Hi everyone! I’m Natalia, and I am a sophomore. I plan on majoring in Biology and I’m on a pre-med track. I’m so excited to be a CARE fellow! I’m currently involved with some things on campus, such as CMC Advocates, Mi Gente, PEP, SAGA, and Claremont Students for Public Health. I was born and raised in Chicago and will tell you a million things about my city if you ask (yes, I like deep-dish pizza). CARE was one of my favorite places to be in as a freshman. As a sophomore, I’m so excited to contribute to CARE’s amazing events, conversations, and overall welcoming environment. I love being a resource for others, so please feel free to ask me for help!

Pranav Patel
Hey, my name is Pranav and I'm a junior at CMC studying CS and MolBio. I joined CARE so I could foster important discussions; my last event was on facets of traditional Indian marriage that perpetuate casteism and colorism. Outside of academics, you can usually find me playing Sudoku or listening to music!

Andrea Posada
My name is Andrea Posada. I'm a senior, finishing a dual major in Government and Economics. I love to read and I love Animal Crossing. On campus I am a CARE Fellow, a student manager at the Gould Center, and on the exec board for Amor y Apoyo!

Alejandro Quiroz
Alejandro is a Junior at CMC dual-majoring in Government and Public Policy with a Gender and Sexuality Studies sequence. He is passionate about areas of policy relating to social policy, human rights, DEI&A, and reproductive/sexual healthcare. Along with being a CARE Fellow, Alejandro is also Vice President of ¡Mi Gente! for the 2024-2025 academic year and a third-year member of Advocates. In his spare time, Alejandro loves yapping about any topic that can keep him distracted for long enough to forget he has work to do.

Anahi Ramos Silva
Hello! My name is Anahi Ramos Silva and I am a junior at CMC from Terra Bella, CA. Originally born in Mexico, I am a first generation student majoring in mathematics and public policy. I am very passionate about helping others and being a leader in my community. During my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, reading books, watching movies, and playing board games. Ultimately, I am excited to return as a CARE fellow this year where I hope to coordinate programs that are tailored to creating an inclusive, welcoming, and diverse environment for all. Hope to see y'all at CARE!

Adamaris Sanchez
Hello everyone! My name is Adamaris Sanchez and I am originally from Los Angeles, CA. I am a first-generation Mexican-American student parent studying economics-accounting. When I first came to CMC, despite all the resources, I did not feel like I belonged. The CARE Center and DOS were very critical to my sense of belonging in a predominately white institution. After taking a gap year to have my daughter, I returned to CMC with higher levels of imposter syndrome. Again, the CARE center was critical to my sense of belonging. I am eternally grateful to all the CARE fellows who supported my experience as a student parent. As a CARE fellow, I want to bring awareness to the diversity of experiences of the CMC student body. Most importantly, I want to contribute to the center's supportive community environment through dialogue and programming. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, traveling, reading, and volunteering at early education centers!

Shiraz Smith
Hi! My name is Shiraz Smith. I was born in Philadelphia, but moved to the Middle East when I was very young. My family and I then went to upstate New York for seven years before finally settling in Claremont where I finished high school. My broader academic interests include public health, educational pedagogy, and societal transformation. In my free time I love to play soccer, make music, and hike. (A few of) My favorite musical artists include Tyler, the Creator, Frank Ocean, Jordan Ward, Kendrick Lamar, Saba, Sampha, Mk.gee, greek, Future, and, of course, Sh!raz (check him out!). If you ever see me, put me on to new music!!!

Ilma Turcios
Hi! My name is Ilma Turcios and I am a senior majoring in Economics and Government. On campus, outside of CARE, I work for the Mgrublian and Salvatori Centers. Outside of academics, I love reading, writing, traveling, and making art. I'm so excited to meet everyone!!

Aley Umegboh
Hihi! My name is Aley Umegboh (she/her) and I’m a first-gen Nigerian American from Oakland, CA. I’m majoring in Human Biology and I’m very passionate about public and mental health within minority communities. As someone who has grown up in low income areas, I have seen firsthand how disparities have plagued my community and I plan to change that through working in hospitals with underprivileged communities and hopefully, running my own hospital one day. If I’m not in the CARE center, you can find me running my nail account or managing Janie’s Kitchen as a manager! While working in CARE, I hope I can create a safe space for other POC on campus.

Ally Venezia
My name is Ally Venezia, and I’m a freshman from Irvine, California majoring in Philosophy and Public Affairs on the pre-law track. I am so excited to be a CARE Fellow this year! I hope to foster a welcoming environment, encourage dialogue, and evolve into a better version of myself. I am also working for the Gould Center as a part of the Editorial Board. If I’m not in the CARE Center, I’m probably at the track learning how to run away from my problems. Fun fact: I am a short sprinter for the CMS Track and Field team! If I’m not in either of those places, check the Hub: I’m probably there getting my daily fix of caffeine. I am so excited to explore the campus and meet fellow students. I can’t wait to see all the amazing changes we bring to CMC!

Xinyue (Cindy) Zhang
Hello! My name is Xinyue Zhang, and I'm from Shenzhen, China. I’m a senior majoring in Economics with a Data Science sequence, and I’m so excited to stay with CARE! I'm also involved with I-Connect, RLCIE, and TEDx on campus. In my free time, I love to cook, play badminton, and try new activities (recently in my hiking era).
Ashley Ahn ’19
Katherine Almendarez ’22
Mia Almond ’23
Chloe Amarilla ’19
Andrea Amaya ’20
Tatiana Amaya ’23
Jeremy Anderson '19
Kamila Arias ’19
Sydney Baffour ’20
Erin Baranko ’20
Alejandra Vazquez Baur ’17
Jennifer Bernardez ’22

Riya Bhashin ’27
Mrinalini Bhushan ’21
Marco Castillo ’22
Cassandra Canales ’25
Monet Cassett ’25
Sophie de Castro ’23

Cayman Chen

José Chiquito

Julia Cruz
Patrick Elliott ’19
Sadie Fisher ’20
Salonee Goel ’20
Avnika Gupta ’22
Brittany Griffin ’19

Grace Hong

Ava Kopp
Medina Latic ’20
Corinne O’Leary Lee ’25
Rachel Lim ’20
Monica Lopez ’20
Lynette Lucero ’22
Anthony Madubuonwu ’22

Kevin Marin
Carlos Montelongo ’23
Mohamad Moslimani ’21

Aara Nanavaty
Agasaro Keza Natasha Naomi ’25
Athulya Nath ’23
Izzi Overturf ’22
Nary Park
Betzy Perez ’19
Giovanni Pierre ’25

Tamoy Pitt
Itzel Ramos
Courtney Reed ’22

William Rafael Thurman Rivera ’24
Toluwani Roberts ’22
Justin Rodriguez ’19
Yesenia Rodriguez ’23
Michelle Sahai ’22 ’20
Crystal Salinas ’20
Gonzalo Secaira ’20
Nisha Singh ’23
Lauren Spencer ’23
Timothy Song ’19
Giano Stringfellow ’21

Nilaja Sultan

Sharanya Suresh
Josiah Tarrant ’22
Zach Taylor ’22
Isaiah Tulanda ’20
Ilma Turcios ’25
Sobe Uwajeh ’22
Guadalupe Valente ’21