1030 Dartmouth Ave
EmPOWER Center
Students impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment may go to EmPOWER for support and care. The Center provides free, confidential advocacy and support to 7C students.
The EmPOWER Center contracts with the Lavender Healing Collective, to provide free, virtual, confidential, trauma-informed counseling services to 7C student survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. Appointments are available to students of all gender identities without a long wait. To schedule, simply call 424.542.8880 or complete the form at lavenderhealingcollective.com/contact-us and identify yourself as a "Claremont Colleges student accessing the EmPOWER Center’s free counseling program.
Confidential Advocate
The EmPOWER Center Director is not a counselor but is a confidential advocate. The Director can meet with students for one to two sessions to provide emotional care and support, provide information about resources/options available, and help navigate on- and off-campus resources. Talking to the Director is a good option if you know you’re not ready or aren’t sure if you’re ready for counseling. The Director also holds drop-in hours.
Support Group
Offered each semester, this group is designed for students from the 7Cs who have experienced sexual assault or sexual abuse, whether recently or long ago. In the group, survivors can share their experiences, explore their feelings, and receive support as they work through the healing process in a confidential space. The group is facilitated by a PSFS counselor.
Tranquada Student Services Building
757 N. College Way
(909) 621-8222
In an after hours emergency, press 1 to be connected to the on-call therapist.
Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS)
Students impacted by interpersonal violence may go to MCAPS for support, including brief individual counseling. Psychiatric medication management, and screening for anxiety and depression. MCAPS also offers same-day crisis appointments, assistance with identifying a referral for off-campus therapy, and groups and workshops. MCAPS is available for all parties as they navigate through a Title IX process.
(909) 616-5556
CMC Advocates for Survivors of Sexual Assault
Sometimes talking to a peer may feel like exactly what you need. Advocates are Claremont McKenna students who are available to provide support to survivors and to connect them to resources. You may speak anonymously to an Advocate. If you choose to tell the Advocate who you are, they will not need to reveal your identity to College officials unless there is an imminent risk to the self or others.
McAlister Center
919 N. Columbia Ave
(909) 621-8685
The Chaplains of The Claremont Colleges
Students impacted by interpersonal violence may talk to a Chaplain. Chaplains empower and enhance spiritual life by integrating intellectual and spiritual growth, guiding questions about values, life choices and ethics, nurturing religious faith, building community, and training future leaders for service. Chaplains are a resource for all parties as they navigate through a Title IX process.
Pomona College
395 E. 6th Street
(909) 607-1817
Queer Resource Center
The QRC provides support, resources, leadership development, and an inclusive and welcoming space for all members of The Claremont Colleges community to explore issues relating to sexual and gender identities. The Director of QRC is not a counselor but, like the Director of the EmPOWER Center, has been designated as a confidential resource. The Director holds drop-in hours. All other QRC staff are private resources who are obligated to share sexual misconduct disclosures with the Title IX Coordinator.
Students are able to access ongoing, scheduled teletherapy through TimelyCare. Students will receive 12 free sessions, which will be held over video. Students can register by going to TimelyCare and using their @cmc.edu email address.
On-demand video therapy is also available for students who are looking to speak with a licensed professional in-the-moment. This resource, called Talk Now, is accessible through the TimelyCare log-in. Sessions are free and unlimited.