Frequently Asked Questions

The Title IX Coordinator oversees the College’s compliance with Title IX, the VAWA Amendments to the Clery Act, and the California Education Code. The Title IX Coordinator ensures that the policies and procedures are fair and neutral. Also, the Coordinator works with CMC and Claremont College community to conduct trainings, programming, and other prevention education for students, staff and faculty. Title IX coordinator is responsible for responding to reports of harassment and discrimination that impacts CMC community members. They also provide resources for all people involved in the grievance process.

There are many options available to you if you meet with the Title IX Coordinator. These are a few options available to you; 1) You can simply meet with the Title IX Coordinator to get information about possible next steps. 2) You can make a report and request support resources only (i.e., contact restrictions, housing/academic assistance. 3) You can make a report and initiate a formal complaint process.

Yes, you can meet with the Title IX Coordinator without having to give details of your experience.

We know students who experience trauma may have a hard time processing what occurred. You can meet with the Title IX Coordinator process, discuss hypotheticals to determine if what occurred falls within Title IX. Many of the other resources on campus can also help you determine the processes and supportive measures that might be helpful to you.

Yes, you can file an anonymous complaint at any time. You can fill out your complaint on the Report a Concern page. However, please be aware that the College is limited on what actions they may be able to take on anonymous reports.


No, you are able to report at any time. If you do not initially report what happened, that does not preclude you from reporting at another time. Please note that as time passes some evidence and witnesses may no longer be available or harder to locate.

Responsible employees include all faculty, Dean of Students staff, CMS coaches, and Residential Advisors (RA). They are required to report any Title IX issues as well as everything they know about the incident. This is not because they necessarily want to; it is a legal requirement they must follow. This requires them to report any information you share to the Title IX Coordinator. Once the Title IX Coordinator receives the report, they will reach out to you to inform you about the policies and procedures, and share support resources with you. You can decide if you would like to meet with them to discuss next steps, or support resources. Rarely, would they move forward with a formal grievance process without your approval.

You also have the right to also contact the police to report what occurred. For information about the criminal process contact, Claremont Police Department: 909-399-5411. You can also contact Project Sister Family Services where an Advocate can help walk you through the process: 909-626-4357.

No. The Grievance Process is designed so neither party has to directly interact with the other party.

The College prohibits all forms of retaliation. The College normally issues a “no contact order” for the protection of the parties. If there are other accommodations needed, either party can request assistance from the Title IX Coordinator. If anyone feels they are experiencing retaliation, they are encouraged to report so the College can respond appropriately.

Family members and guardians are not notified of any reports that you make. Based on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we do not share your information without your consent. We are only required to report information to your guardians if you are a minor. We do encourage all parties to connect with their support system for advice and guidance throughout this process.

Pomona Valley Hospital is the designated Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) medical provider for the City of Claremont and The Claremont Colleges.

Emergency Room: 909-865-9600

Claremont Police Department


Title IX Coordinator


What happens now?

Your information is only disclosed on a need-to-know basis. The CMC Title IX Coordinator will be notified about incidents of sexual assault or harassment, dating violence, or stalking.

Dean of Students (909) 621-8495
Title IX Office (909) 607-8131

Your identity and the event is kept in confidence. There is no need to disclose any information to the Title IX Coordinator unless there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others.

EmPOWER Center (909) 607-2698
CMC Advocates (909) 616-5556

Anonymous support resources don’t require you to disclose your identity to them at all.

CMC Listens
House of Ruth (909) 623-4364

Privileged communications protect the content of those communications from being legally compelled to be disclosed. For example, privileged communication in California can exist between you and an attorney, chaplain, therapist, and domestic violence or sexual assault advocate. They may not report any information you disclose to them without your consent. However, there are limited exceptions, such as if they believe you may harm yourself or others. Those who hold privileged communication should explain these limited exceptions to you, if applicable.

Monsour (909) 621-8495
Chaplains (909) 621-8495
Project Sister Hotline Advocates (909) 621-8495


The Coordinator knows that students who’ve decided or are thinking about moving ahead with a Title IX process need to get a handle on what the process is and how it will unfold. The Coordinator also knows that the written Title IX policies are long and complicated, and it’s the Coordinator’s job to help you understand them.


Title IX Coordinator

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum
Second Floor, Office 210-H
Claremont McKenna College 385 E. 8th Street
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 607-3830