July 19, 2021


In his Forbes essay, “Is Bigger Better in Higher Ed? Or Even Cheaper?” Richard Vedder writes: “…in my judgement probably the best learning experience, both for me and my students, was teaching at Claremont McKenna College.” Vedder, an economic historian focusing on higher education, taught economics at CMC and formerly administered Forbes' Best Colleges rankings.

July 19, 2021


Prof. Jack Pitney was interviewed by the Northern California Record about a judicial decision related to the California gubernatorial recall election.

July 16, 2021


The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education announced that Muriel Poston joined CMC as Vice President of Strategic Initiatives.

July 14, 2021


In an opinion piece published by Nikkei Asia, CMC Prof. Minxin Pei explains the contradictory behavior of the Chinese regime. He writes: “…even as Beijing is busy handing out gifts and burnishing its image, it has also established a reputation for itself as a petty bully.”

July 10, 2021


In an op-ed for USA Today, Government Prof. Frederick Lynch writes about the difficult decision-making surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out throughout the U.S., specifically to seniors and minority communities.

July 6, 2021


The Chronicle of Higher Education announced that CMC has appointed of Muriel Poston as CMC’s Vice President of Strategic Initiatives.

July 1, 2021


Prof. Jack Pitney was interviewed by USA Today about New York’s ballot-counting breakdown and its contribution to the ongoing debate about the integrity of the 2020 U.S. election. “It doesn’t matter that New York’s problems have nothing to do with Arizona or Georgia," he said. "When you’re gaslighting, any gas will do."