

Bloomberg featured an opinion piece by Professor Minxin Pei. Pei offered his insight on U.S.-China relations, leading with, “Hoping for a repeat of history isn’t the wisest foreign-policy strategy for winning the 21st century version of the Washington-Moscow rivalry.”

Professor Minju Kim


Professor of Korean Minju Kim has been named president of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. As its 25th president, Kim is the first president from a liberal arts college. The International Circle of Korean Linguistics is the most prestigious international scholarly association of Korean linguistics, bringing together fields as diverse as pragmatics, phonology, and formal linguistics.



Professor Daniel Krauss co-authored an opinion piece underscoring a potential flaw in the popular CPORT Algorithm. Krauss cautioned the dangers of utilizing the methodologically defective tool when assessing the recidivism rate of child pornography offenders. 



Jack Pitney guest appeared on AirTalk’s political roundtable, examining the West Virginian primaries, GOP discord, and upcoming campaign trail. 

May 4, 2024


In an op-ed, Professor Ken Miller discussed how the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is playing an important role in contributing to California’s housing supply.

May 3, 2024


Professor George Thomas participated in a panel interview on the question of whether or not the United States is a true democracy or a republic.  

May 1, 2024


CMC’s Rose Institute of State and Local Government was highlighted in an article regarding TogetherSF Action, which is attempting to push for a ballot measure that would strengthen the power of San Francisco’s mayor. A report from the Rose Institute helped jumpstart this effort by TogetherSF.

May 1, 2024


Professor Jack Pitney was quoted in a piece on the recent meeting between former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis. He shared, “…they have a mutual interest in making nice. Legal fees are causing Trump to hemorrhage money, and DeSantis can help him with fundraising. He could also come in handy during the fall if the polls show that Florida is close.”

Prof. Lisa Cody


Professor Lisa Cody has been awarded the 2024 James L. Clifford Prize by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS). The Clifford Prize is awarded annually to an article that "presents an outstanding study of some aspect of eighteenth-century culture, interesting to any eighteenth-century specialist, regardless of discipline." Cody, an Associate Professor of History at CMC, earned the distinction for, 'Marriage is No Protection for Crime': Coverture, Sex, and Marital Rape in Eighteenth-Century England, published in the Journal of British Studies, 61.