Pacesetter John “Jack” Croul ’49 marks 100th year

Collage with Jack Croul

John “Jack” Croul ’49, one of the first graduates of CMC, recently celebrated his 100th birthday. Croul served with bravery and distinction in the U.S. Army Air Corps during WWII.

As Honorary CMC Trustee John “Jack” Croul ’49 celebrated his 100th birthday, members of the Claremont McKenna College community reflected on his CMC legacy.

“Jack is a product of the DNA of CMC, but CMC is also a product of his contribution to the school’s gene pool,” said Claremont McKenna Trustee E. David Hetz ’80 P’10. “From the moment I met him, he struck me as an absolute exemplar of what we aspire to produce at CMC. An honorable and humble man who is extraordinarily principled, hardworking, and yet at the same time, an absolute delight to be around.”


Croul joined the U.S. Army Air Corps at age of 18 and served in World War II from 1943 to 1945. As the lead navigator in the 96th Bomb Group, 338th Squadron, he flew a total of 33 missions, including two on D-Day. His bravery and skill earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross, an Air Medal, and a Purple Heart, and he retired as Captain in 1945.

After the war, Croul pursued higher education, attending Stanford University and transferring to Claremont Men’s College, where he graduated as a Pacesetter (a.k.a., a member of one of the original classes at the new College). He studied business, and eventually built a successful paint company, Behr Process Corp, which enabled him to support the College by establishing endowed chairs and scholarships. 

Clockwise from top, Stanton “Pete” Welsh ’50 P’81, Robert “Bob” Long ’52, John “Jack” Croul ’49, Edward Maloney ’52.

Clockwise from top, Stanton “Pete” Welsh ’50 P’81, Robert “Bob” Long ’52, John “Jack” Croul ’49, Edward Maloney ’52.

“He’s part of the greatest generation, a veteran of World War II and amongst those who made the sacrifice to defend America and democracy in the West,” said Jonathan Petropoulos, who is the John V. Croul Professor of European History. “I think about Jack daily, partly because his name is in my email signature. Every time I send an email, I remember Jack.”

Petropoulos sees Croul as an inspiration. 

“He has a true passion for life; he does not do things halfway. From his business pursuits to personal ones, he focuses on mastering everything he does. His life is a lesson in how you have to make an investment in the things that matter most to you.”