
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

CMCers celebrate largest-ever Alumni Weekend

Down shot view from Kravis Center of Gann Quadrangle during Alumni Weekend 2022's wine tasting event shows alumni scattered around full glasses in hand.

Nearly 1,000 CMC alumni and friends gathered on campus to celebrate CMC’s 75th Anniversary and class reunions at Claremont McKenna’s largest-ever Alumni Weekend. With many classes missing their reunions due to the pandemic, alumni from the years ending in 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 were especially excited to return to campus (45 classes total)! With some alumni moving into their former residence halls for the weekend, CMCers reunited with their classmates over delicious meals, caught up with favorite professors, took campus tours and learned about the new integrated sciences program and campus expansion. Collins Dining Hall and Athenaeum Tea were full and bustling with laughter and conversations with their return to these former stomping grounds. Alumni were also treated to ContinuED sessions on topics ranging from North Korea and East Asia to Voter Access in the 2020 Election. Alumni joined a family fun-filled lunch at Stag-a-Palooza with food, live music, and outdoor games. A highlight of the weekend was a discussion with President Hiram Chodosh and emeriti Presidents Jack Stark ’57 GP’11 and Pamela Gann, who came together for a conversation moderated by 75th Anniversary Committee Chair, Sue Matteson King ’85 P’18.

CMC photographer Anibal Ortiz captured these images from the festive weekend.


CMC alumnae take a photo opp on the new Jeppe Hein benches during 2022 Alumni Weekend.


CMC presidents sit together on the same stage for the first time in the school's history. From left to right: Presidents Jack Stark '57 P'11, Pamela Gann, and Hiram Chodosh.


Trustee Tendo Nagenda ’97 and wife Chelina Odbert '99 under the main event tent at 2022 Alumni Weekend.


Alumni take advantage of the conversation furniture set up under the main event tent at 2022 Alumni Weekend to catch up with each other in small groups.


A group of alumni catch up together in North Quad during the second day of 2022 Alumni Weekend


Candid photo of alumni in an animated discussion in front of the Kube and Kravis Center.


A group of alumni peer over to look at a certificate of recognition on Parents Field during 2022 Alumni Weekend


Richard Johnson '01 takes a selfie with a fellow CMCer while waiting for their plates inside Collins Dining Hall.


Friends and family of CMC alumni enjoy a cornhole tournament on the lawn during the second day of 2022 Alumni Weekend.


A family of alumni and their young children pose inside the heart-shaped cutout of the "I ♥︎ CMC" photo prop frame.


Three alumni pose together near the wine bar with their commemorative 75th Anniversary glasses during 2022 Alumni Weekend's wine tasting event.


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400 N. Claremont Blvd.
Claremont, CA 91711

Phone: (909) 621-8099
Email: communications@cmc.edu

Media inquiries: CMC Media
Email: media@cmc.edu