Suggest a Candidate for the 2010 Kravis Prize

In 2006, CMC alumnus and trustee Henry R. Kravis '67 and his wife, Marie-Jos?e Kravis, partnered with Claremont McKenna College to establish the Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership. This annual prize recognizes an individual or organization demonstrating extraordinarily innovative and effective leadership in the nonprofit sector.
The Kravis Prize Selection Committee conducts a rigorous selection process to choose a worthy recipient whose impact can be objectively measured. Each year, a formal Award Ceremony celebrates the recipient's accomplishments, and a cash prize of $250,000 is given to the nonprofit organization led by the recipient. The Prize aspires to benefit the nonprofit sector by supporting strong performance and sharing recipients' best practices with others.
Candidates for the 2010 Kravis Prize are currently being identified. Members of the CMC community and visitors to the Kravis Prize web site are invited to participate in the process by suggesting remarkable nonprofit leaders (domestic and international) whose impact is real and meaningful. Please consider suggesting a candidate for the 2010 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership.
Click here to suggest a candidate or visit the Kravis Prize web site and click on the link at the top of the page.
The deadline for suggesting candidates for the 2010 Prize is August 3, 2009.



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