A message from the Office of Off-Campus Study:
Congratulations to the Washington Program and Study Abroad photo content winners. We received so many wonderful entries and it was difficult to select just a few winning entries. Thank you to all the students who submitted photos.
Here's a slide show of the winning entries:
Washington Program First Prize: Tamara Skinner, intern for Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.), on a White House garden tour
Washington Program Second Prize: Grace Lee, intern for House Ways & Means Committee, with Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA)
Washington Program Third Prize: Vivan Marwaha, intern at Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates,
on the Speaker’s Balcony with Bob Walker.
Study Abroad First Prize – People: Umar Farooq taking in ancient Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Study Abroad First Prize – Places: Alejandra Vazquez Bauer at UNESCO World Heritage Site Quebrada de Humahuaca in Jujuy Province, Argentina.
Study Abroad First Prize – Stories: Sophie Breider captured a Celebration of Cuy (Guinea Pig) in Ecuador.
Study Abroad Second Prize – People: Annoush Baghdassarian exploring the natural cave, El Sauce, near Cordoba, Argentina.
Study Abroad Second Prize – Places: Meghan Fuelling, springtime at Frideriksborg Slot near home stay in Denmark.
Study Abroad Second Prize – Stories: Kennedy Holland the view off the ship’s bow during SeaSemester.
Study Abroad Third Prize – People: Sharan Seth at a privately owned beach cabin at St. Kilda Beach, Australia.
Study Abroad Third Prize – Places: Jasmine Cooper tilting at Don Quijote Windmills at Consuegra, Toledo, Spain.
Study Abroad Third Prize – Stories: Joshua Rooney's shot of a traditional handler with rock-eagle owl in Kazakhstan.