San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership Releases Poll Results on Impeachment

The San Gabriel Valley wants its representatives in Congress to vote against impeachment. This is the finding of a post-election survey of 500 San Gabriel Valley residents who voted in the November 3 election.

Conducted by Claremont McKenna College's Rose Institute of State and Local Government, voters were asked: "What would you want your member of Congress to do if there is a vote on impeaching President Clinton?" Only 24 percent of respondents said they would want their representative to vote for impeachment. A decisive 64 percent said they wanted a vote against impeachment. And 11 percent gave "Don't Know" responses.

The impeachment question was one of 67 questions that make up the initial San Gabriel Valley Annual Survey, which was commissioned by the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. Additional survey results (focusing on local political issues) will be released in mid-December. In January, the complete findings of the San Gabriel Valley Annual Survey will be released. The findings cover many issues of concern to Valley residents, ranging from the economy through questions of crime and social change to attitudes regarding commuting and traffic.

Half the Republican respondents, but only one in 10 Democrats wanted a vote for impeachment. In terms of ethnicity, minority voters (71%) were more likely than white voters (59%) to want a vote against impeachment. A distinct gender gap emerged, with women (28%) more likely than men (20%) to want a vote for impeachment.

The survey results gain significance in light of the impending vote on impeachment in the US House of Representatives. Also adding significance to the finding is the marked similarity of the San Gabriel Valley to California's demographic profile. The Valley has much the same mix of ethnic and income groups as the State as a whole.

The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership is a coalition of public and private sector organizations working to sustain and grow the economic base of the San Gabriel Valley. Its goal is to market the Valley internally and externally to attract more businesses and create more jobs. For more information about the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, contact Bruce Ackerman, president and CEO, at (626) 453-3082.

The Rose Institute is California's leading think thank analyzing political, demographic, and fiscal data and trends. Claremont McKenna College is a highly selective independent liberal arts college preparing students for responsible leadership in business and public affairs. CMC enrolls 1,000 students and is a member of The Claremont Colleges.
