Professor Jack Pitney, the Crocker Professor of Politics, was recently featured on two network broadcasts focused on the gubernatorial transitions in California and other prominent states.
On Sunday, Jan. 2, Pitney appeared on a NBC Nightly News segment about Schwarzenegger stepping down as governor and determining his next move. Pitney comments on the change in public opinion of the former governor in recent years, and states, "It turned out that there were weights that even Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn't lift."
View the NBC broadcast here. Pitney's comments are around 1:30 into the segment.
On Monday, Jan. 3, Pitney was featured on the CBS Evening News in a story reporting on the challenges facing incoming governors in CA, NY, and NV - all states with large deficit budgets and unemployment rates. These newly sworn-in governors will likely need to cut spending, and according to Pitney, they will be telling constituents a consistent message of "This is going to hurt."
View the CBS broadcast here. Pitney's comments are around 1:09 into the segment.
Professor Jack Pitney Appears on NBC & CBS Broadcasts
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