A message in support of our DACA community

CMC students on campus

Good Afternoon CMC Community,

This morning the Trump administration announced that it will rescind the executive order Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), effective six months from now. The U.S. Congress is expected to work on legislative framework before DACA status would expire for individuals on March 5, 2018.

I want to reach out to all of you to express our collective concern. This announcement creates uncertainty for people currently registered with DACA and their families.

As President Chodosh, Dean Uvin, and I expressed last year, we fully stand behind, value, and will continue to support each member of our community to be successful here at CMC and beyond.

As we also made clear last year, unless we are legally compelled to do so, CMC will not permit USCIS officials to conduct immigration enforcement activities at the College.  Likewise, CMC will not voluntarily produce documents or otherwise provide information in relation to any student’s immigration status.

We have reached out to our DACA students to offer additional resources and support. We will provide outreach and access to any immediate and longer-term counseling and advice through the Dean of Students and across the consortium.

On Thursday, September 7, from 12:15-1:15 p.m., Lauren Burke, an immigration law specialist, will host a workshop in the CARE Center about the DACA decision and how to support those in the undocumented community. We hope you will join us. Lunch will be provided, and space is limited to 30. Please RSVP here

The Chicanx/Latinx Studies faculty are holding a session today (Tuesday, September 5) at 6 p.m. at CLSA in the Tranquada Center.

All are welcome to discuss and learn more about the potential impact of today’s decision. An immigration attorney, Paula Gonzales, will be calling in to join this discussion.

We are both tracking and doing our best to support all positive legal developments in this area and I will be in touch with any significant updates.

As President Chodosh communicated in November, given the extraordinary success and contributions of DACA beneficiaries, we are hopeful that Congress will develop a legislative framework to solidify these protections.

Please know, as is always the case, the Dean of Students staff is available to assist, provide access to resources, support, and to help unpack all the potential implications of this decision.

Take care,



Sharon K. Basso
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students



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