The Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies at CMC will host the conference Dealing with Nuclear Issues from 1 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 12 in the Founder's Room, Bauer Center. The event is open to the public, but reservations are required for seating.
Keck Center director Chae-Jin Lee, the BankAmerica Professor of Pacific Basin Studies, will act as conference chair. The first of two conference sessions begins at 1 p.m. and will feature Michael Swaine, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (China's Nuclear Policy); Elena Sokova, Monterey Institute of International Studies (Illicit Trafficking and Security of Nuclear and Radiological Materials in the Former Soviet Union); and Paul Kapur, Naval War College (Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Security in South Asia).
Following a coffee break from 3 to 3:15 p.m., session two of the conference will feature Arash Khazeni, CMC assistant professor of history (Iran's Nuclear Development in Historical Perspective), and Daniel Pinkston, Monterey Institute of International Studies (Negotiations over North Korea's Nuclear Program: An Expanding Mine Field or a Lengthening Shadow of the Future?).
Acting as commentators for the successive sessions are Edward Haley, the W.M. Keck Foundation Chair of International Strategic Studies at CMC; Eric Larson, senior policy researcher for the RAND Corporation; and Chong-Ha Yoo, former minister of foreign affairs in South Korea, and current faculty member of the Graduate School of International Studies at Sogang University in Seoul. A group of five CMC students will act as rapporteurs: Jennifer Ambrose '09, Jesse Chang '08, Brad Daniels '09, Ian Feldman '07, and Chris Vieira '07.
For seating reservations: 909-621-8213, or e-mail