Foreign Policy Expert Available To Discuss Air Strikes Against Iraq

P. Edward Haley, an expert in Middle East security and a former foreign policy aide to members of Congress and the U.S. Senate, is available to discuss the possibility of US air strikes against Iraq.

"The Clinton administration's policy toward Iraq has put the United States, its allies, and the UN in an impossible situation," says Haley. "Limited air strikes cannot achieve the US goal of overthrowing Saddam. Every time Iraq refuses to cooperate with arms inspections, the US must mobilize, which is hugely expensive. The run-up in military tension erodes relations with America's allies. Even if we strike Iraq, Saddam's defiance continues to disredit the use of sanctions against aggressors. It is time for a fundamental change in US policy."

In addition to US foreign policy, Professor Haley can discuss international and domestic terrorism, and possible groups or nations responsible for committing acts of terrorism and the motivation behind them, as well as measures the U.S. must take to reduce the risk of terrorism. He can be reached by calling (909) 621-3983 or (909) 607-3803.

Haley teaches government and international relations at Claremont McKenna College. He is the author of several books examining US foreign policy and responses to terrorism, including Qaddafi & the United States since 1969 and Overtaken by Events: George Bush and the World. He is also a senior research associate at the Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies at Claremont McKenna College.

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