Fire Update

To: All CMC Students

From: Torrey Sun, Vice President for Student Affairs

As you know from today's blue skies and local news reports, there is no longer any fire threat in Claremont. Our thoughts and concerns are with those who have been affected throughout Southern California, especially those within our community. Those who wish to assist local fire victims can make donations to the Claremont Red Cross Wildfire Relief Fund, the city's Emergency Fund (909) 399-5490, or other organizations.

CMS Athletics has returned to its normal schedule of practices and competition. Athletic Director Mike Sutton and his staff, along with the other SCIAC coaches, will continue to monitor the air quality and assess the situation on a day-to-day basis.

The City of Claremont expects local hiking trails to reopen by the weekend if the weather conditions remain good. However, caution is urged, as many local trails sustained damage during the fires, so please be sure to exercise good judgment and common sense.

As the air quality remains uncertain in the coming days, I remind you that extra dust masks are still available through several locations, including the Dean of Students Office, Dean of Faculty's Office, and Human Resources Office.

It has been a challenging few days for us all, and will likely remain so for awhile longer. I hope any of you who still have questions or concerns will feel free to contact your Resident Assistant, Dean Huang, or me.



Office of Strategic Communications & Marketing

400 N. Claremont Blvd.
Claremont, CA 91711

Phone: (909) 621-8099

Media inquiries: CMC Media
Office: Claremont Blvd 118