The Washington, D.C., chapter of CMCAA will host An Evening with Diane Halpern, professor of psychology and director of the Berger Institute for Work, Family, and Children, on Thursday, June 7 at the Washington, D.C., Center. The event begins with a 6:30 p.m. reception followed by presentation and discussion at 7:15.
Halpern will discuss the findings of Life after Graduation: CMC Alumni Reflect on Their Work, Family, and Children, a survey of more than 1,000 CMC alumni on work-family struggles, including the topics of marriage, whether to have children (and how many), careers, household chores, income, and much more.
Registration for this event is requested by June 4. For more information, visit: Washington, DC Chapter Webpage, or contact Ana Napoli in the office of alumni relations, 909-607-6248.
Erika Weingart '08