The Hui Laule`a (Hawaii Club) will host its 30th annual 5-C Lu`au from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 6 in Badgley Gardens on the CMC campus, for all 5-C students, faculty, staff, families and friends. Featured will be Hawaiian food, raffle prizes, performances by students, hula dancing, Taiko drumming, and face cutouts for children.
A portion of the proceeds will go to nonprofit Aloha United Way, based in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Pre-sale tickets (now available in all 5-C dining halls) are $7 for students and children, $10 for alumni, faculty, and staff, and $12 general admission at the door. Raffle prizes include an iPod nano, shuffle, gift certificates, Hawaiian music, chocolate macadamia nuts, pineapples, and more.
For more information, e-mail