Ceremonies to Honor Installation of Heather Antecol as James G. Boswell Associate Professor of Economics

A reception and dinner honoring the installation of Heather Antecol as the James G. Boswell Associate Professor of Economics will be held Thursday, April 23 at the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum.

Antecol joined the faculty of Claremont McKenna College in 2001. She is the fifth holder of the James G. Boswell Professorship in economics, which the James G. Boswell Foundation created through a gift to the College. Professor Antecol serves as the director of the Berger Institute for Work, Family, and Children at CMC, as well as a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and Metropolis British Columbia (MBC).

Thursday's ceremonies begin at 5:30 p.m., with a welcome and remarks from President Pamela B. Gann, and a recognition and presentation by Janet Kiholm Smith, the Von Tobel Professor of Economics and dean of The Robert Day School of Economics and Finance.

Smith says Antecol exemplifies the teacher-scholar model. "She is an award-winning teacher who makes economics accessible to students through lively class discussion." Add to that, she says, an impressive publishing record that examines various aspects of labor economics, such as youth outcomes, discrimination, and sexual harassment in the U.S. military.

According to Smith, "She enhances the intellectual discourse at CMC, and is a highly valued member of our faculty."

The evening also will include remarks by Antecol on her current research, The Opt-Out Revolution: Do Women Leave the Workforce for Motherhood?

Antecol earned her bachelor's degree and her M.A. from Queen's University and her Ph.D. from McMaster University, Canada.

In her new role as director of The Berger Institute of Work, Family, and Children at CMC, Antecol is focused on increasing the institute's visibility, fundraising, and undertaking a large-scale research project, as well as the development of the Berger Institute Work-Family Research Network an online resource for those interested in research that is related to work and family. The network will disseminate research to academics and researchers, inform public policy makers and workplace practitioners, and encourage collaborations among researchers in the network.



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