Washington area alumni and both current and former Washington Program students will gather for a holiday open house on Wednesday, Dec. 1, celebrating the program's new facility on Seventeenth Street, in the heart of the nation's capital.
The evening event, scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, will showcase the facility's expansive layout. Features include a reception and lounge area, a tech-friendly student office, a multipurpose classroom, and a welcoming environment for alumni visitors and other guests. (For more about the new D.C. office, visit: http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/news/pressreleases/article.asp?article_id=383)
For more information about the open house event, contact Jonella Ramsey in the CMC alumni affairs office: 909-607-3389, or e-mail jonella.ramsey@claremontmckenna.edu.
Alumni, faculty, and/or staff interested in visiting or scheduling events may contact the Washington Program directly at 202-833-4946.