FAQs for Supervisors
How do I know if a student can be employed through the Federal Work-Study program?
Check with the Office of Financial Aid for eligible students.
Where do Federal Work-Study (FWS) students drop off their New Hire paperwork for first-time employees?
At the CMC Payroll Office located at B-31 Bauer South.
What form does my department need to complete and submit to hire a new student or to rehire a prior work-study student?
A Personnel Action Form (PAF) must be completed and submitted to the Payroll Office once you confirm student eligibility from the Office of Financial Aid.
What is the maximum number of hours that a work-study student may work on a specific day?
8 hours, not including at least a half-hour lunch.
What happens if a time sheet does not adhere to the required stipulations noted in the FWS Guide for Supervisors (see Supervisor's Responsibilities)?
The time sheet will not be processed until the student and or supervisor fix the problem.
What is the maximum number of hours that a work-study student may work in a week?
We strongly recommend that students work no more than 20 hours in a week. Remember, the student's number one goal at CMC should be their education and not their work experience.
When are time sheets due?
As listed on the Time Sheet Schedule page.
What happens if a student forgets to submit hours for the pay period?
The Payroll Office will accept late submission of hours up to 30 days late. After that, it will be up to the department to pay the student from their own department funds.
When do work-study students pick up their payroll checks?
If hours are accurately and correctly submitted online, a check will be available the second Friday after time sheets are due in the student's Story House mailbox. Students are able to request direct deposit. Please contact the CMC Payroll Office for more information.
How do I give a work-study student a raise?
Submit a new complete Personnel Action Form (PAF) to the Payroll Office.
When does the Personnel Action Form need to be submitted to the Human Resources Office?
All PAFs should be submitted to the Payroll Office at least 24 hours before activation.