Sustainability – A Major Consideration
The CMC community places a high value on environmental stewardship as well as working on campus and within the community to build and support sustainability and carbon neutral practices. In 2007, CMC President Pamela Gann signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, with the College also developing a campus-specific plan over the next two years.
CMC tracks environmental impacts as reported by The Roberts Environmental Center, and takes steps to reduce its environmental footprints. Sustainability Guidelines have been adopted to encourage leadership opportunities in such areas as power use, building construction, waste management practices and purchasing.
Water conservation represents one of the key opportunities for creating a more sustainable environment at CMC. In the College’s Master Plan the campus landscape will be transformed over time to better utilize native and drought-tolerant plant species consistent with the micro-climate of the region. The goal of significantly reducing the use of irrigation for non- native plant species and lawn areas throughout the campus will be a central objective of the landscape portion of the Master Plan.
In addition, opportunities to reduce the amount of storm water runoff will be incorporated into the landscape planning by significantly increasing pervious surfaces throughout future development. Tree-planted green courts on the east and west sides of buildings will provide a buffer against solar heat gain.

CMC Master Plan in Full (152 MB)
CMC Master Plan - Part 1 (55 MB)
CMC Master Plan - Part 2 (47 MB)
CMC Master Plan - Part 3 (26 MB)