Returning Students

All U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and DACA/undocumented students must re-apply for financial aid each year. Please visit Application & Deadlines to find the required steps that must be met to be considered for financial aid.
International students who entered CMC in 2021-2022 and prior, applied for financial aid at the time of admission, and are currently receiving financial aid awards must re-apply and be re-evaluated for financial aid in subsequent years.
International students entering CMC in 2022-23 and after who were awarded financial aid at the time of admission will not need to re-apply for financial aid in future years at CMC. Financial aid awards for international students are only awarded at the time of admission and will remain relatively the same each year thereafter up to the equivalent of 8 semesters as long as Satisfactory Academic Progress is met. (Transfer students will receive an equivalent of 8 semesters depending on the number of credits transferred prior to matriculation.) Financial aid awards for international students entering CMC in 2022-23 and after may not be appealed or reconsidered in future years. Awards may adjust slightly with the annual change in cost of attendance.
- All financial aid applicants who re-applies for financial aid must complete their files by the published deadline. If you do not complete the necessary applications and provide all requested documents in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee the availability of college funds.
- Returning students completing their financial aid files after January 15th may be subject to penalty assessments.
Applications needed:
CSS Profile
IDOC* If requested
California Residents GPA Verification Form
Students who did not apply for or did not receive need-based financial aid at the time of admission at CMC are not guaranteed to receive or be considered for financial aid in future years. Each year financial aid consideration will be determined based on the availability of funds. Please visit Applications & Deadlines to find the required steps that must be met to be considered for financial aid.
- Students who only receive merit-based or outside scholarships each year do not need to submit a FAFSA or CSS Profile application. You must meet the scholarship terms (i.e., GPA, etc.) for your scholarship to be automatically renewed each year.
- Only submit the FAFSA if you are eligible and interested in federal need-based aid.