When Will We Have a Cure for AIDS? (We Already Have It!)

Scott A. Schoettes, who is openly HIV-positive, is the HIV Project Director at Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization dedicated to making the case for equality on behalf of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and people living with HIV, through impact litigation, education and policy work.
Schoettes litigates impact cases involving discriminatory denial of employment and services based on a person’s HIV status, as well as in the areas of HIV criminalization and access to care. He does a significant amount of amicus work on issues of importance to people living with HIV, notably twice co-authoring amicus briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of the Affordable Care Act.
On the policy side, Schoettes was the point-person for Lambda Legal's work on the repeal of the HIV travel ban, works on the legislative reform of laws criminalizing conduct based on HIV status, and was recently appointed to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, where he co-chairs the Disparities Committee. He has presented on various topics related to HIV discrimination at forums across the country, including the White House.
Schoettes graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown Law and clerked for the Honorable J. Frederick Motz of the U.S. District Court of Maryland.
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View Video: You Tube with Scott Schoettes