Third Annual Senior Thesis Showcase

Blood. Spotify. Narcoterrorism. Mysticism. Civil War Anthems. Mongolia. Identity and Citizenship. Energy. Nationalism. Women, Law, and Literature. Our seniors have studied it all and more. Applying everything they have learned in class and in the field, seniors put their hearts and minds into their senior capstone project. Come hear about their research, motivation, and findings, as well as their overall thesis journey. Most importantly come support and celebrate CMC peers and students!
The senior thesis requirement at CMC is challenging and rewarding and seniors endeavor to produce innovative, thoughtful, comprehensive, and well written work. In this third annual Senior Thesis Showcase, Connor Bloom, Lauren Broidy, Lindsay Burton, Will Cullen, Danielle Dominguez, Jake Hudson-Humphrey, Maddie Lee, Becky Shane, Brendan Suh, and Melia Wong will present 5 to 7-minute synopses of their capstone project. Come hear about their research, motivation, and findings, as well as their overall thesis journey. Most importantly come support and celebrate your CMC peers!
Pictured from far left, clockwise: Lindsay Burton, Becky Shane, Jake Hudson-Humphrey, Brendan Suh, Connor Bloom, Maddie Lee, Lauren Broidy, Danielle Dominguez, and Melia Wong. Not pictured: Will Cullen.
View Video: YouTube with Senior Thesis 2019