Historical Archives: Mar 27, 2007
Tue, March 27, 2007
Gregory Hess, Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation, professor of economics, Dean of Faculty, CMC; co-editor of International Macroeconomics (2000) and author, The Economic Cost of War: An Empirical Assessment (2002); Alex Rajczi, assistant professor of philosophy, CMC; author, Vindicating Ordinary Morality (2007) and The Moral Theory behind Moral Dilemmas (2002); John Farrell, associate professor of literature, CMC; author, Freud's Paranoid Quest: Psychoanalysis and Modern Suspicion (1996) and Paranoia and Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau (2005); Charles Kesler, professor of government, director, Henry Salvatori Center for the Study of Individual Freedom in the Modern World, CMC; author, Saving the Revolution: The Federalist Papers and the American Founding (1987) and co-author, Keeping the Tablets: Modern American Conservative Thought (1988); "Is War Ever Justified?"