Historical Archives: Apr 22, 1993
Thu, April 22, 1993
Ward Elliott, professor of government, CMC; author, Rise of Guardian Democracy: The Supreme Court's Role in Voting Rights Disputes, 1845-1969 (1974); Dan Guthrie P'83, professor of biology, CMC; editor, Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management (1991); Robert Feldmeth, professor of biology, CMC; co-author, Energetics, Salinity, and Temperature (1986) and Hydraulic Aspects of Wetland Design (1988); Robert Pinnell, professor of chemistry, CMC; co-author, A Calorimetric Determination of Aspirin in Commercial Preparations (1989) and Sulfonation of Polysthyrene: Preparation and Characterization of an Ion Exchange Resin (1989); "Earth Day Symposium" (12:30 p.m.)