Marian Miner Cook

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Wed, March 29, 2023
Dinner Program
Eric Schwitzgebel

We might soon be making machines that some people regard as friends and colleagues, or even children and romantic partners. Might such machines be people like us, deserving of rights, or would it all be illusion? Eric Schwitzgebel, professor of philosophy at UC Riverside, is an expert on consciousness and the ethics of artificial intelligence.

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Eric Schwitzgebel is professor of philosophy at University of California, Riverside, and author of four books and over a hundred research articles spanning widely across philosophy and psychology. He is especially drawn to interdisciplinary topics where standard research methodologies fall apart.

Schwitzgebel is probably best known for his skepticism about self-knowledge and theories of consciousness (for example in his book Perplexities of Consciousness, his work on the tenuous relationship between ethical theorizing and real-world moral choice (for example in his book A Theory of Jerks and Other Philosophical Misadventures), and his work on A.I. ethics (for example in his forthcoming book The Weirdness of the World).

View Video: YouTube with Eric Schwitzgebel

Food for Thought: Podcast with Eric Schwitzgebel

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