Developing a Passion for Mathematics
Mark Huber is the Fletcher Jones Foundation Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and George R. Roberts Fellow. He joined the faculty community at Claremont McKenna College in 2009.
Huber’s specialty is computational probability. He enjoys developing new algorithms for drawing random variates from complex distributions quickly, which has applications in statistics, machine learning, numerical integration, and physics. Huber’s unique background in mathematics, computing, and statistics allows him to work in a variety of areas. Outside of the classroom, he has served as chair of the CMC Mathematical Sciences since 2016. Huber also serves as associate editor for the Journal of American Statistical Association Reviews and editor of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. He regularly participates as a guest lecture at conferences and institutions around the world, and his research has appeared in such journals as Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, the Journal of Applied Probability, and the Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science among others.
Huber earned a B.S. degree from Harvey Mudd College and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University.
Professor Huber’s Athenaeum presentation celebrates his installation ceremony as the Fletcher Jones Foundation Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and George R. Roberts Fellow at CMC.
View Video: YouTube with Mark Huber