Marian Miner Cook

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The Classical Music of India

Wed, April 18, 2018
Irfana Majumdar

The politics, the technologies, the languages and genres, the physical and the social sciences, even the humanities of India, have all become marginalized. Increasingly, they are viewed either as quaint and ethnic, or even extinct. Only Indian classical music and dance survives—indeed, it flourishes. It flourishes as a system. Irfana Majumdar, artistic director of the NIRMAN Theatre Studio, Varanasi, India, and classically trained in Hindustani music, will delve into this ever thriving and increasingly globalized coupled tradition. 

Irfana Majumdar is the artistic director of the NIRMAN Theatre Studio in Varanasi, India. She is also a theatre director, performer, and filmmaker. Her main interest is ensemble-based devising and creation, physical and vocal training practices, collaborative creation, and solo performance. She studied directing and performance at the University of Chicago, and has also trained in corporeal mime, Suzuki and Viewpoints, clowning, and many forms of body work. She has trained in classical Hindustani music since childhood. 

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum

Claremont McKenna College
385 E. Eighth Street
Claremont, CA 91711


Phone: (909) 621-8244 
Fax: (909) 621-8579 